* |
![](http://www.xbrlsite.com/DigitalFinancialReporting/Icons/Network.png) |
Network: 820000 - Disclosure - Foreign Operations and Currency Translation (http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/ForeignOperationsAndCurrencyTranslation) |
1 |
Foreign Currency [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyAbstract |
2 |
Foreign Currency Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyDisclosureTextBlock |
3 |
Foreign Currency Transaction [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionAbstract |
4 |
Foreign Currency Transactions, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionsDescription |
5 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Gain (Loss), before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainLossBeforeTaxAbstract |
6 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Gain, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainBeforeTax |
7 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Loss, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionLossBeforeTax |
8 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Gain (Loss), before Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainLossBeforeTax |
9 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Gain (Loss), Unrealized |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainLossUnrealized |
10 |
Foreign Currency Transaction Gain (Loss), Realized |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTransactionGainLossRealized |
11 |
Foreign Currency Translation [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTranslationAbstract |
12 |
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentDescription |
13 |
Explanation of Change in Cumulative Translation Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ExplanationOfChangeInCumulativeTranslationAdjustment |
14 |
Description of Effect of Subsequent Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Change |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DescriptionOfEffectOfSubsequentForeignCurrencyExchangeRateChange |
15 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
16 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss), before Reclassification and Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossBeforeReclassificationAndTax |
17 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationBeforeTax |
18 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTax |
19 |
Cumulative Translation Adjustment Summary [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CumulativeTranslationAdjustmentSummaryRollForward |
20 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax |
21 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss), before Reclassification and Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossBeforeReclassificationAndTax |
22 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax |
23 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationNetOfTax |
24 |
Cumulative Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:CumulativeTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
25 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax |
26 |
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, by Component [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentByComponentAbstract |
27 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyRollForward |
28 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Net of Tax, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyNetOfTax |
29 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Increase (Decrease), Gross of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyIncreaseDecreaseGrossOfTax |
30 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Tax Benefit (Expense) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyTaxBenefitExpense |
31 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Loss (Gain), Reclassified to Earnings, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyLossGainOnReclassifiedOfEarningsNetOfTax |
32 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Net of Tax, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
33 |
Translation Adjustment Functional to Reporting Currency, Net of Tax, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentFunctionalToReportingCurrencyNetOfTax |
34 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Net of Tax [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeRollForward |
35 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Net of Tax, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeNetOfTax |
36 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Increase (Decrease), Gross of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeIncreaseDecreaseGrossOfTax |
37 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Tax Benefit (Expense) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeTaxBenefitExpense |
38 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Loss (Gain), Reclassified to Earnings, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeLossGainOnReclassifiedOfEarningsNetOfTax |
39 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Net of Tax, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
40 |
Derivatives used in Net Investment Hedge, Net of Tax, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:TranslationAdjustmentForNetInvestmentHedgeNetOfTax |
41 |
Description of Long-term Intercompany Foreign Currency Transactions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DescriptionOfLongTermIntercompanyTransactions |
42 |
Adjustment for Long-term Intercompany Transactions, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentForLongTermIntercompanyTransactionsNetOfTaxAbstract |
43 |
Adjustment for Long-term Intercompany Transactions, Gross of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdjustmentForLongTermIntercompanyTransactionsGrossOfTax |
44 |
Adjustment for Long-term Intercompany Transactions, Tax Benefit (Expense) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdjustmentForLongTermIntercompanyTransactionsTaxBenefitExpense |
45 |
Adjustment for Long-term Intercompany Transactions, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdjustmentForLongTermIntercompanyTransactionsNetOfTax |
46 |
Schedule of Intercompany Foreign Currency Balances [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalancesTextBlock |
47 |
Schedule of Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceTable |
48 |
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance by Description [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:IntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceByDescriptionAxis |
49 |
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceNameDomain |
50 |
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceLineItems |
51 |
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance, Foreign Currency |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceForeignCurrency |
52 |
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceAmount |
53 |
Multiple Foreign Currency Exchange Rates [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MultipleForeignCurrencyExchangeRatesAbstract |
54 |
Schedule of Differences between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDifferencesBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountTableTextBlock |
55 |
Schedule of Differences between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDifferencesBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountTable |
56 |
Information by Financial Statement Line Item [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:InformationByFinancialStatementLineItemAxis |
57 |
Financial Statement Line Items with Differences in Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amounts [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FinancialStatementLineItemsWithDifferencesInReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountsDomain |
58 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashAndCashEquivalentsMember |
59 |
Cash [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashMember |
60 |
Cash Equivalents [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashEquivalentsMember |
61 |
Money Market Funds [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMember |
62 |
US Treasury Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember |
63 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
64 |
Bankers Acceptance [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankersAcceptanceMember |
65 |
Interest-bearing Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InterestBearingDepositsMember |
66 |
Bank Time Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankTimeDepositsMember |
67 |
Certificates of Deposit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CertificatesOfDepositMember |
68 |
Accounts Receivable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountsReceivableMember |
69 |
Notes Receivable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesReceivableMember |
70 |
Premiums Receivable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PremiumsReceivableMember |
71 |
Investments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InvestmentsMember |
72 |
Securities (Assets) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesAssetsMember |
73 |
Equity Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquitySecuritiesMember |
74 |
Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonStockMember |
75 |
Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredStockMember |
76 |
Nonredeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemablePreferredStockMember |
77 |
Redeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemablePreferredStockMember |
78 |
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
79 |
Contingent Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContingentConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
80 |
Preferred Non-Convertible Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredNonConvertibleStockMember |
81 |
Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RightsMember |
82 |
Warrant [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WarrantMember |
83 |
Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtSecuritiesMember |
84 |
US Treasury and Government [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USTreasuryAndGovernmentMember |
85 |
US Treasury Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember |
86 |
US Government Agencies Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USGovernmentAgenciesDebtSecuritiesMember |
87 |
US Government-sponsored Enterprises Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USGovernmentSponsoredEnterprisesDebtSecuritiesMember |
88 |
US States and Political Subdivisions Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:USStatesAndPoliticalSubdivisionsMember |
89 |
Foreign Government Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignGovernmentDebtSecuritiesMember |
90 |
Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
91 |
Domestic Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticCorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
92 |
Foreign Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignCorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
93 |
Commercial Paper, Not Included with Cash and Cash Equivalents [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperNotIncludedWithCashAndCashEquivalentsMember |
94 |
Convertible Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesMember |
95 |
Asset-backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AssetBackedSecuritiesMember |
96 |
Collateralized Mortgage Backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgageBackedSecuritiesMember |
97 |
Mortgage-backed Securities, Issued by US Government Sponsored Enterprises [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgageBackedSecuritiesIssuedByUSGovernmentSponsoredEnterprisesMember |
98 |
Mortgage-backed Securities, Issued by Private Enterprises [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgageBackedSecuritiesIssuedByPrivateEnterprisesMember |
99 |
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CollateralizedMortgageObligationsMember |
100 |
Asset-backed Securities, Securitized Loans and Receivables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AssetBackedSecuritiesSecuritizedLoansAndReceivablesMember |
101 |
Interest-Only-Strip [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InterestOnlyStripMember |
102 |
Principal-Only-Strip [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PrincipalOnlyStripMember |
103 |
Fixed Income Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FixedIncomeSecuritiesMember |
104 |
Auction Rate Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AuctionRateSecuritiesMember |
105 |
Variable Rate Demand Obligation [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:VariableRateDemandObligationMember |
106 |
Other Debt Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherDebtSecuritiesMember |
107 |
Trading Assets, Excluding Debt and Equity Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradingAssetsExcludingDebtAndEquitySecuritiesMember |
108 |
Equity Method Investments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquityMethodInvestmentsMember |
109 |
Cost-method Investments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CostmethodInvestmentsMember |
110 |
Loans Receivable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansReceivableMember |
111 |
Cash Surrender Value [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashSurrenderValueMember |
112 |
Retained Interest [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RetainedInterestMember |
113 |
Investment in Federal Home Loan Bank Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InvestmentInFederalHomeLoanBankStockMember |
114 |
Federal Funds Sold and Securities Borrowed or Purchased under Agreements to Resell [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesBorrowedOrPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellMember |
115 |
Available-for-sale Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AvailableforsaleSecuritiesMember |
116 |
Held-to-maturity Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:HeldtomaturitySecuritiesMember |
117 |
Accounts Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountsPayableMember |
118 |
Accrued Liabilities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccruedLiabilitiesMember |
119 |
Borrowings [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BorrowingsMember |
120 |
Senior Debt Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorDebtObligationsMember |
121 |
Subordinated Debt Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtObligationsMember |
122 |
Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DepositsMember |
123 |
Demand Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DemandDepositsMember |
124 |
Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsPurchasedAndSecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMember |
125 |
Federal Funds Purchased [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsPurchasedMember |
126 |
Securities Loaned or Sold under Agreements to Repurchase [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesLoanedOrSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMember |
127 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankBorrowingsMember |
128 |
Investment Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InvestmentContractsMember |
129 |
Foreign Exchange Contract [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMember |
130 |
Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchasedMember |
131 |
Financial Statement Line Items with Differences in Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amounts [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FinancialStatementLineItemsWithDifferencesInReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountsLineItems |
132 |
Asset, Reporting Currency Denominated, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AssetReportingCurrencyDenominatedValue |
133 |
Liability, Reporting Currency Denominated, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LiabilityReportingCurrencyDenominatedValue |
134 |
Revenues and Gains, Reporting Currency Denominated, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RevenuesAndGainsReportingCurrencyDenominatedValue |
135 |
Expenses and Losses, Reporting Currency Denominated, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ExpensesAndLossesReportingCurrencyDenominatedValue |
136 |
Difference between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DifferenceBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountValue |
137 |
Amount Recognized in Income Due to Inflationary Accounting |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AmountRecognizedInIncomeDueToInflationaryAccounting |
138 |
Foreign Currency Exchange Rate, Remeasurement |
[Concept] |
Pure |
As of |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyExchangeRateRemeasurement1 |
139 |
Foreign Currency Exchange Rate, Translation |
[Concept] |
Pure |
As of |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyExchangeRateTranslation1 |
140 |
Description of Difference between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DescriptionOfDifferenceBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmount |