* |
Network: 460000 - Disclosure - Debt (http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/Debt) |
1 |
Debt Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtDisclosureAbstract |
2 |
Debt Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtDisclosureTextBlock |
3 |
Short-term Debt [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTextBlock |
4 |
Short-term Debt, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtDescription |
5 |
Schedule of Short-term Debt [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShortTermDebtTextBlock |
6 |
Schedule of Short-term Debt [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShortTermDebtTable |
7 |
Short-term Debt, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTypeAxis |
8 |
Short-term Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTypeDomain |
9 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
10 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
11 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
12 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
13 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
14 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
15 |
Letter of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember |
16 |
Warehouse Agreement Borrowings [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WarehouseAgreementBorrowingsMember |
17 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
18 |
Convertible Notes Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleNotesPayableMember |
19 |
Exchangeable Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ExchangeableDebtMember |
20 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
21 |
Construction Loan Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoanPayableMember |
22 |
Bank Overdrafts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankOverdraftsMember |
23 |
Bankers Acceptance [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankersAcceptanceMember |
24 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
25 |
Product Financing Arrangement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ProductFinancingArrangementMember |
26 |
Federal Funds Purchased [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsPurchasedMember |
27 |
Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMember |
28 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
29 |
Federal Reserve Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalReserveBankAdvancesMember |
30 |
Asset-backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AssetBackedSecuritiesMember |
31 |
Collateralized Mortgage Backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgageBackedSecuritiesMember |
32 |
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CollateralizedMortgageObligationsMember |
33 |
Debt Instrument [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAxis |
34 |
Debt Instrument, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentNameDomain |
35 |
Short-term Debt [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtLineItems |
36 |
Short-term Debt, Lender |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtLender |
37 |
Short-term Debt, Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTerms |
38 |
Short-term Debt, Weighted Average Interest Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtWeightedAverageInterestRate |
39 |
Short-term Debt, Interest Rate Increase |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtInterestRateIncrease |
40 |
Short-term Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShortTermBorrowings |
41 |
Short-term Debt, Maximum Amount Outstanding During Period |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShorttermDebtMaximumAmountOutstandingDuringPeriod |
42 |
Short-term Debt, Maximum Month-end Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShorttermDebtMaximumMonthendOutstandingAmount |
43 |
Short-term Debt, Average Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShorttermDebtAverageOutstandingAmount |
44 |
Short-term Debt, Refinanced, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtRefinancedDescription |
45 |
Short-term Debt, Refinanced, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtRefinancedAmount |
46 |
Short-term Debt, Debt Default [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultShorttermDebtAbstract |
47 |
Debt Default, Short-term Debt, Description of Violation or Event of Default |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultShorttermDebtDescriptionOfViolationOrEventOfDefault |
48 |
Debt Default, Short-term Debt, Description of Notice of Default |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultShorttermDebtDescriptionOfNoticeOfDefault |
49 |
Debt Default, Short-term Debt, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultShorttermDebtAmount |
50 |
Debt, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtCurrentAbstract |
51 |
Short-term Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShortTermBorrowings |
52 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsCurrent |
53 |
Debt, Current, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtCurrent |
54 |
Short-term Debt, Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
55 |
Short-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Fixed Interest Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtPercentageBearingFixedInterestRate |
56 |
Short-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Variable Interest Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtPercentageBearingVariableInterestRate |
57 |
Short-term Debt, Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShorttermDebtFairValue |
58 |
Line of Credit Facility [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAbstract |
59 |
Schedule of Line of Credit Facilities [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLineOfCreditFacilitiesTextBlock |
60 |
Line of Credit Facility [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityTable |
61 |
Lender Name [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAxis |
62 |
Line of Credit Facility, Lender [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityLenderDomain |
63 |
Credit Facility [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:CreditFacilityAxis |
64 |
Credit Facility [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CreditFacilityDomain |
65 |
Letter of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember |
66 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
67 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
68 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
69 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
70 |
Standby Letters of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StandbyLettersOfCreditMember |
71 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
72 |
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember |
73 |
Line of Credit Facility [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityLineItems |
74 |
Long-term Line of Credit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCredit |
75 |
Line of Credit Facility, Maximum Amount Outstanding During Period |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumAmountOutstandingDuringPeriod |
76 |
Line of Credit Facility, Maximum Month-end Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumMonthendOutstandingAmount |
77 |
Line of Credit Facility, Average Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAverageOutstandingAmount |
78 |
Line of Credit Facility, Rationale for Classification as Long-term Debt |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityRationaleForClassificationAsLongTermDebt |
79 |
Line of Credit Facility, Affiliated Borrower |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAffiliatedBorrower |
80 |
Line of Credit Facility, Currency |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCurrency |
81 |
Line of Credit Facility, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityDescription |
82 |
Line of Credit Facility, Initiation Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityInitiationDate1 |
83 |
Line of Credit Facility, Expiration Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityExpirationDate1 |
84 |
Line of Credit Facility, Expiration Period |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityExpirationPeriod |
85 |
Debt Instrument, Term |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTerm |
86 |
Line of Credit Facility, Fair Value of Amount Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityFairValueOfAmountOutstanding |
87 |
Line of Credit Facility, Priority |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityPriority |
88 |
Line of Credit Facility, Collateral |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCollateral |
89 |
Line of Credit Facility, Collateral Fees |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCollateralFees |
90 |
Line of Credit Facility, Collateral Fees, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCollateralFeesAmount |
91 |
Line of Credit Facility, Covenant Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCovenantTerms |
92 |
Line of Credit Facility, Covenant Compliance |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCovenantCompliance |
93 |
Line of Credit Facility, Commitment Fee Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCommitmentFeeDescription |
94 |
Line of Credit Facility, Frequency of Commitment Fee Payment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityFrequencyOfCommitmentFeePayment |
95 |
Line of Credit Facility, Commitment Fee Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCommitmentFeeAmount |
96 |
Line of Credit Facility, Unused Capacity, Commitment Fee Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityUnusedCapacityCommitmentFeePercentage |
97 |
Line of Credit Facility, Fair Value, Basis for Measurement |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityFairValueBasisForMeasurement |
98 |
Line of Credit Facility, Borrowing Capacity, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityBorrowingCapacityDescription |
99 |
Line of Credit Facility, Maximum Borrowing Capacity |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity |
100 |
Line of Credit Facility, Current Borrowing Capacity |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCurrentBorrowingCapacity |
101 |
Line of Credit Facility, Remaining Borrowing Capacity |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityRemainingBorrowingCapacity |
102 |
Line of Credit Facility, Capacity Available for Trade Purchases |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCapacityAvailableForTradePurchases |
103 |
Line of Credit Facility, Capacity Available for Specific Purpose Other than for Trade Purchases |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCapacityAvailableForSpecificPurposeOtherThanForTradePurchases |
104 |
Line of Credit Facility, Interest Rate Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityInterestRateDescription |
105 |
Line of Credit Facility, Interest Rate at Period End |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityInterestRateAtPeriodEnd |
106 |
Line of Credit Facility, Interest Rate During Period |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityInterestRateDuringPeriod |
107 |
Line of Credit Facility, Commitment Fee Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityCommitmentFeePercentage |
108 |
Line of Credit Facility, Frequency of Payment and Payment Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityFrequencyOfPaymentAndPaymentTerms |
109 |
Line of Credit Facility, Frequency of Payments |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityFrequencyOfPayments |
110 |
Line of Credit Facility, Periodic Payment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityPeriodicPayment |
111 |
Line of Credit Facility, Periodic Payment, Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityPeriodicPaymentInterest |
112 |
Line of Credit Facility, Periodic Payment, Principal |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityPeriodicPaymentPrincipal |
113 |
Line of Credit Facility, Date of First Required Payment |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityDateOfFirstRequiredPayment1 |
114 |
Line of Credit Facility, Annual Principal Payment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAnnualPrincipalPayment |
115 |
Line of Credit Facility, Increase (Decrease) for Period, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodDescription |
116 |
Line of Credit Facility, Increase (Decrease), Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseDecreaseNetAbstract |
117 |
Line of Credit Facility, Increase, Accrued Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseAccruedInterest |
118 |
Proceeds from Lines of Credit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ProceedsFromLinesOfCredit |
119 |
Repayments of Lines of Credit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RepaymentsOfLinesOfCredit |
120 |
Line of Credit Facility, Decrease, Forgiveness |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityDecreaseForgiveness1 |
121 |
Line of Credit Facility, Increase (Decrease), Other, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseDecreaseOtherNet |
122 |
Line of Credit Facility, Increase (Decrease), Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodNet |
123 |
Line of Credit Facility, Asset Restrictions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAssetRestrictions |
124 |
Line of Credit Facility, Dividend Restrictions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityDividendRestrictions |
125 |
Line of Credit Facility, Revolving Credit Conversion to Term Loan, Status |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityRevolvingCreditConversionToTermLoanStatus |
126 |
Line of Credit Facility, Revolving Credit Conversion to Term Loan, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityRevolvingCreditConversionToTermLoanDescription |
127 |
Long-term Debt [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtTextBlock |
128 |
Long-term Debt, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtDescription |
129 |
Long-term Debt, by Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtByCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
130 |
Long-term Debt, Current Maturities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtCurrentAbstract |
131 |
Line of Credit, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LinesOfCreditCurrent |
132 |
Secured Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtCurrent |
133 |
Unsecured Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtCurrent |
134 |
Convertible Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtCurrent |
135 |
Subordinated Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtCurrent |
136 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtCurrent |
137 |
Long-term Commercial Paper, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermCommercialPaperCurrent |
138 |
Long-term Construction Loan, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermConstructionLoanCurrent |
139 |
Long-term Transition Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermTransitionBondCurrent |
140 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermPollutionControlBondCurrent |
141 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrustCurrent |
142 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:NotesAndLoansPayableCurrentAbstract |
143 |
Notes Payable, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableCurrentAbstract |
144 |
Medium-term Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MediumtermNotesCurrent |
145 |
Convertible Notes Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleNotesPayableCurrent |
146 |
Notes Payable to Bank, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBankCurrent |
147 |
Senior Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SeniorNotesCurrent |
148 |
Junior Subordinated Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedNotesCurrent |
149 |
Other Notes Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherNotesPayableCurrent |
150 |
Notes Payable, Current, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableCurrent |
151 |
Loans Payable, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableCurrentAbstract |
152 |
Loans Payable to Bank, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayableToBankCurrent |
153 |
Other Loans Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLoansPayableCurrent |
154 |
Loans Payable, Current, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayableCurrent |
155 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Current, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesAndLoansPayableCurrent |
156 |
Special Assessment Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBondCurrent |
157 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesCurrent |
158 |
Other Long-term Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermDebtCurrent |
159 |
Long-term Debt, Current Maturities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtCurrent |
160 |
Long-term Debt, Excluding Current Maturities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtNoncurrentAbstract |
161 |
Long-term Line of Credit, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLineOfCredit |
162 |
Secured Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SecuredLongTermDebt |
163 |
Unsecured Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:UnsecuredLongTermDebt |
164 |
Convertible Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtNoncurrent |
165 |
Subordinated Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SubordinatedLongTermDebt |
166 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtNoncurrent |
167 |
Long-term Commercial Paper, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperNoncurrent |
168 |
Long-term Construction Loan, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoanNoncurrent |
169 |
Long-term Transition Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermTransitionBond |
170 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermPollutionControlBond |
171 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrustNoncurrent |
172 |
Notes and Loans, Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesAndLoansAbstract |
173 |
Notes Payable, Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesPayableAbstract |
174 |
Medium-term Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MediumtermNotesNoncurrent |
175 |
Junior Subordinated Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedLongTermNotes |
176 |
Senior Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SeniorLongTermNotes |
177 |
Convertible Notes Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleLongTermNotesPayable |
178 |
Notes Payable to Bank, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBankNoncurrent |
179 |
Other Notes Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermNotesPayable |
180 |
Notes Payable, Noncurrent, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesPayable |
181 |
Loans Payable, Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermLoansPayableAbstract |
182 |
Loans Payable to Bank, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLoansFromBank |
183 |
Other Loans Payable, Long-term, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLoansPayableLongTerm |
184 |
Loans Payable, Noncurrent, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLoansPayable |
185 |
Notes and Loans, Noncurrent, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesAndLoans |
186 |
Special Assessment Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBondNoncurrent |
187 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermFederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesNoncurrent |
188 |
Other Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrent |
189 |
Long-term Debt, Excluding Current Maturities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtNoncurrent |
190 |
Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
191 |
Long-term Debt, by Type Alternative [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtByComponentsAlternativeAbstract |
192 |
Long-term Debt, by Type, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtByComponentsCurrentAndNoncurrentAlternativeAbstract |
193 |
Long-term Line of Credit [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermLineOfCreditCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
194 |
Line of Credit, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LinesOfCreditCurrent |
195 |
Long-term Line of Credit, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLineOfCredit |
196 |
Long-term Line of Credit, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCredit |
197 |
Line of Credit Facility, Maximum Amount Outstanding During Period |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumAmountOutstandingDuringPeriod |
198 |
Line of Credit Facility, Maximum Month-end Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumMonthendOutstandingAmount |
199 |
Line of Credit Facility, Average Outstanding Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityAverageOutstandingAmount |
200 |
Secured Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SecuredLongtermDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
201 |
Secured Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtCurrent |
202 |
Secured Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SecuredLongTermDebt |
203 |
Secured Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SecuredDebt |
204 |
Unsecured Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:UnsecuredLongtermDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
205 |
Unsecured Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtCurrent |
206 |
Unsecured Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:UnsecuredLongTermDebt |
207 |
Unsecured Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebt |
208 |
Convertible Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermConvertibleDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
209 |
Convertible Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtCurrent |
210 |
Convertible Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtNoncurrent |
211 |
Convertible Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebt |
212 |
Subordinated Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedLongtermDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
213 |
Subordinated Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtCurrent |
214 |
Subordinated Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SubordinatedLongTermDebt |
215 |
Subordinated Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebt |
216 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
217 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtCurrent |
218 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtNoncurrent |
219 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebt |
220 |
Long-term Commercial Paper [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermCommercialPaperCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
221 |
Long-term Commercial Paper, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermCommercialPaperCurrent |
222 |
Long-term Commercial Paper, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperNoncurrent |
223 |
Long-term Commercial Paper, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermCommercialPaperCurrentAndNoncurrent |
224 |
Long-term Construction Loan [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermConstructionLoanCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
225 |
Long-term Construction Loan, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermConstructionLoanCurrent |
226 |
Long-term Construction Loan, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoanNoncurrent |
227 |
Long-term Construction Loan, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermConstructionLoanCurrentAndNoncurrent |
228 |
Long-term Transition Bond [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermTransitionBondCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
229 |
Long-term Transition Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermTransitionBondCurrent |
230 |
Long-term Transition Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermTransitionBond |
231 |
Long-term Transition Bond, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermTransitionBondCurrentAndNoncurrent |
232 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermPollutionControlBondCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
233 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermPollutionControlBondCurrent |
234 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermPollutionControlBond |
235 |
Long-term Pollution Control Bond, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermPollutionControlBondCurrentAndNoncurrent |
236 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrustAbstract |
237 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrustCurrent |
238 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrustNoncurrent |
239 |
Junior Subordinated Debenture Owed to Unconsolidated Subsidiary Trust, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebentureOwedToUnconsolidatedSubsidiaryTrust |
240 |
Long-term Notes and Loans, by Type, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermNotesAndLoansByTypeCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
241 |
Notes Payable, by Type, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermNotesPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
242 |
Medium-term Notes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MediumtermNotesAbstract |
243 |
Medium-term Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MediumtermNotesCurrent |
244 |
Medium-term Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MediumtermNotesNoncurrent |
245 |
Medium-term Notes, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MediumTermNotes |
246 |
Junior Subordinated Notes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedLongtermNotesCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
247 |
Junior Subordinated Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedNotesCurrent |
248 |
Junior Subordinated Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedLongTermNotes |
249 |
Junior Subordinated Notes, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedNotes |
250 |
Senior Notes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SeniorLongtermNotesCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
251 |
Senior Notes, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SeniorNotesCurrent |
252 |
Senior Notes, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SeniorLongTermNotes |
253 |
Senior Notes, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SeniorNotes |
254 |
Convertible Notes Payable [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleLongtermNotesPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
255 |
Convertible Notes Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleNotesPayableCurrent |
256 |
Convertible Notes Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleLongTermNotesPayable |
257 |
Convertible Notes Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertibleNotesPayable |
258 |
Notes Payable to Bank [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBankCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
259 |
Notes Payable to Bank, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBankCurrent |
260 |
Notes Payable to Bank, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBankNoncurrent |
261 |
Notes Payable to Bank, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBank |
262 |
Other Notes Payable [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLongtermNotesPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
263 |
Other Notes Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherNotesPayableCurrent |
264 |
Other Notes Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermNotesPayable |
265 |
Other Notes Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherNotesPayable |
266 |
Notes Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayable |
267 |
Loans Payable, by Type, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermLoansPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
268 |
Loans Payable to Bank [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermLoansPayableToBankCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
269 |
Loans Payable to Bank, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayableToBankCurrent |
270 |
Loans Payable to Bank, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLoansFromBank |
271 |
Loans Payable to Bank, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayableToBank |
272 |
Other Loans Payable [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLongtermLoansPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
273 |
Other Loans Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLoansPayableCurrent |
274 |
Other Loans Payable, Long-term, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLoansPayableLongTerm |
275 |
Other Loans Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLoansPayable |
276 |
Loans Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayable |
277 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesAndLoansPayable |
278 |
Special Assessment Bond [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBondCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
279 |
Special Assessment Bond, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBondCurrent |
280 |
Special Assessment Bond, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBondNoncurrent |
281 |
Special Assessment Bond, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SpecialAssessmentBond |
282 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermFederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesAbstract |
283 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesCurrent |
284 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermFederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesNoncurrent |
285 |
Long-term Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesLongTerm |
286 |
Other Long-term Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLongtermDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
287 |
Other Long-term Debt, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermDebtCurrent |
288 |
Other Long-term Debt, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermDebtNoncurrent |
289 |
Other Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLongTermDebt |
290 |
Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
291 |
Long-term Debt, by Category, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtByTypeCategoryCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
292 |
Loans Payable, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermLoansPayableByCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
293 |
Loans Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayableCurrent |
294 |
Loans Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermLoansPayable |
295 |
Loans Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LoansPayable |
296 |
Notes Payable, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermNotesPayableCurrentAndNoncurrentTotalAbstract |
297 |
Notes Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayableCurrent |
298 |
Notes Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesPayable |
299 |
Notes Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesPayable |
300 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermNotesAndLoansCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
301 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesAndLoansPayableCurrent |
302 |
Notes and Loans, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermNotesAndLoans |
303 |
Notes and Loans Payable, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NotesAndLoansPayable |
304 |
Long-term Debt, Current and Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtCurrentAndNoncurrentAbstract |
305 |
Long-term Debt, Current Maturities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtCurrent |
306 |
Long-term Debt, Excluding Current Maturities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtNoncurrent |
307 |
Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
308 |
Debt Instruments [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentsAbstract |
309 |
Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtInstrumentsTextBlock |
310 |
Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTable |
311 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeAxis |
312 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeDomain |
313 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
314 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
315 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
316 |
Medium-term Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediumTermNotesMember |
317 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
318 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
319 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
320 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
321 |
Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
322 |
Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EnhancedEquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
323 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
324 |
Unsecured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember |
325 |
Capital Lease Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalLeaseObligationsMember |
326 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
327 |
Construction Loans [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoansMember |
328 |
Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtMember |
329 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtMember |
330 |
Junior Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebtMember |
331 |
Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgagesMember |
332 |
Participating Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgagesMember |
333 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
334 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
335 |
Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
336 |
Senior Subordinated Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorSubordinatedNotesMember |
337 |
Senior Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorNotesMember |
338 |
Payment in Kind (PIK) Note [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PaymentInKindPIKNoteMember |
339 |
Debt Instrument [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAxis |
340 |
Debt Instrument, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentNameDomain |
341 |
Variable Rate [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:VariableRateAxis |
342 |
Variable Rate [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:VariableRateDomain |
343 |
Base Rate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BaseRateMember |
344 |
Federal Funds Effective Swap Rate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsEffectiveSwapRateMember |
345 |
Prime Rate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PrimeRateMember |
346 |
Eurodollar [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EurodollarMember |
347 |
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember |
348 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodAxis |
349 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodDomain |
350 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period One [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodOneMember |
351 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Two [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodTwoMember |
352 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Three [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodThreeMember |
353 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Four [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodFourMember |
354 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Five [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodFiveMember |
355 |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentLineItems |
356 |
Debt Instrument, Issuer |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIssuer |
357 |
Debt Instrument, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentDescription |
358 |
Committee for Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:CommitteeForUniformSecuritiesIdentificationProceduresCUSIP |
359 |
Debt Instrument, Currency |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCurrency |
360 |
Debt Instrument, Priority |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPriority |
361 |
Debt Instrument, Collateral |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCollateral |
362 |
Debt Instrument, Collateral Fee |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCollateralFee |
363 |
Debt Instrument, Collateral Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCollateralAmount |
364 |
Debt Instrument, Tax Status |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTaxStatus |
365 |
Debt Instrument, Credit Rating |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCreditRating |
366 |
Debt Instrument, Third Party Credit Enhancement |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentThirdPartyCreditEnhancement |
367 |
Debt Issuance Cost |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtIssuanceCosts |
368 |
Debt Instrument, Covenant Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCovenantDescription |
369 |
Debt Instrument, Covenant Compliance |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCovenantCompliance |
370 |
Ratio of Indebtedness to Net Capital |
[Concept] |
Pure |
As of |
us-gaap:RatioOfIndebtednessToNetCapital1 |
371 |
Debt Instrument, Fee |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFee |
372 |
Debt Instrument, Frequency of Fee |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFrequencyOfFee |
373 |
Debt Instrument, Fee Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFeeAmount |
374 |
Long-term Debt, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCarryingAmount |
375 |
Debt Instrument, Face Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFaceAmount |
376 |
Debt Instrument, Repurchase Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRepurchaseAmount |
377 |
Debt Instrument, Repurchase Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRepurchaseDate |
378 |
Debt Instrument, Repurchased Face Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRepurchasedFaceAmount |
379 |
Debt, Long-term and Short-term, Combined Amount [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtLongtermAndShorttermCombinedAmountAbstract |
380 |
Long-term Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
381 |
Short-term Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ShortTermBorrowings |
382 |
Borrowings under Guaranteed Investment Agreements |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BorrowingsUnderGuaranteedInvestmentAgreements |
383 |
Debt, Long-term and Short-term, Combined Amount, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtLongtermAndShorttermCombinedAmount |
384 |
Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnamortizedDiscountPremiumNetAbstract |
385 |
Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnamortizedDiscount |
386 |
Debt Instrument, Unamortized Premium |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnamortizedPremium |
387 |
Debt Instrument, Unamortized Discount (Premium), Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnamortizedDiscountPremiumNet |
388 |
Debt Instrument, Fair Value Disclosure |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFairValue |
389 |
Fair Value, Debt Instrument, Valuation Techniques, Change in Technique, Quantification of Effect |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisDebtInstrumentValuationTechniquesChangeInTechniqueQuantificationOfEffect |
390 |
Long-term Debt, Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtFairValue |
391 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateTerms |
392 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Stated Percentage [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentageAbstract |
393 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Stated Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage |
394 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Stated Percentage Rate Range, Minimum |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentageRateRangeMinimum |
395 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Stated Percentage Rate Range, Maximum |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentageRateRangeMaximum |
396 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Increase (Decrease) |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateIncreaseDecrease |
397 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Effective Percentage [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentageAbstract |
398 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Effective Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentage |
399 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Basis for Effective Rate |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateBasisForEffectiveRate |
400 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Effective Percentage Rate Range, Minimum |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentageRateRangeMinimum |
401 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Effective Percentage Rate Range, Maximum |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentageRateRangeMaximum |
402 |
Debt Instrument, Interest Rate During Period |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentInterestRateDuringPeriod |
403 |
Debt Instrument, Description of Variable Rate Basis |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentDescriptionOfVariableRateBasis |
404 |
Debt Instrument, Basis Spread on Variable Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentBasisSpreadOnVariableRate1 |
405 |
Long-term Debt, Weighted Average Interest Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtWeightedAverageInterestRate |
406 |
Debt, Weighted Average Interest Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:DebtWeightedAverageInterestRate |
407 |
Debt Instrument, Payment Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPaymentTerms |
408 |
Debt Instrument, Frequency of Periodic Payment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentFrequencyOfPeriodicPayment |
409 |
Debt Instrument, Periodic Payment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPeriodicPayment |
410 |
Debt Instrument, Periodic Payment, Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPeriodicPaymentInterest |
411 |
Debt Instrument, Periodic Payment, Principal |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPeriodicPaymentPrincipal |
412 |
Debt Instrument, Date of First Required Payment |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentDateOfFirstRequiredPayment1 |
413 |
Debt Instrument, Annual Principal Payment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAnnualPrincipalPayment |
414 |
Debt Instrument, Periodic Payment Terms, Balloon Payment to be Paid |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentPeriodicPaymentTermsBalloonPaymentToBePaid |
415 |
Debt Instrument, Offering Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentOfferingDate1 |
416 |
Debt Instrument, Issuance Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIssuanceDate1 |
417 |
Debt Instrument, Maturity Date, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentMaturityDateDescription |
418 |
Debt Instrument, Maturity Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentMaturityDate |
419 |
Debt Instrument, Maturity Date Range, Start |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentMaturityDateRangeStart1 |
420 |
Debt Instrument, Maturity Date Range, End |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentMaturityDateRangeEnd1 |
421 |
Debt Instrument, Call Feature |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCallFeature |
422 |
Debt Instrument, Call Date, Earliest |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCallDateEarliest |
423 |
Debt Instrument, Call Date, Latest |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCallDateLatest |
424 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Terms of Conversion Feature |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleTermsOfConversionFeature |
425 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Type of Equity Security |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleTypeOfEquitySecurity |
426 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Earliest Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleEarliestDate1 |
427 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Latest Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleLatestDate1 |
428 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Conversion Ratio |
[Concept] |
Pure |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleConversionRatio1 |
429 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Number of Equity Instruments |
[Concept] |
Integer |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleNumberOfEquityInstruments |
430 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Beneficial Conversion Feature |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleBeneficialConversionFeature |
431 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Conversion Price |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleConversionPrice1 |
432 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, If-converted Value in Excess of Principal |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleIfConvertedValueInExcessOfPrincipal |
433 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Stock Price Trigger |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleStockPriceTrigger |
434 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Threshold Percentage of Stock Price Trigger |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleThresholdPercentageOfStockPriceTrigger |
435 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Threshold Trading Days |
[Concept] |
Integer |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleThresholdTradingDays |
436 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Threshold Consecutive Trading Days |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleThresholdConsecutiveTradingDays |
437 |
Debt Instrument, Increase (Decrease) for Period, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodDescription |
438 |
Debt Instrument, Increase (Decrease), Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIncreaseDecreaseNetAbstract |
439 |
Debt Instrument, Increase, Accrued Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIncreaseAccruedInterest |
440 |
Proceeds from Issuance of Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ProceedsFromIssuanceOfDebt |
441 |
Repayments of Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RepaymentsOfDebt |
442 |
Debt Instrument, Decrease, Forgiveness |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentDecreaseForgiveness |
443 |
Debt Instrument, Increase (Decrease), Other, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIncreaseDecreaseOtherNet |
444 |
Debt Instrument, Increase (Decrease), Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodNet |
445 |
Debt Instrument, Sinking Fund Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentSinkingFundDescription |
446 |
Debt Instrument, Sinking Fund Payment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentSinkingFundPayment |
447 |
Debt Instrument, Cumulative Sinking Fund Payments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentCumulativeSinkingFundPayments |
448 |
Debt Instrument, Restrictive Covenants |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRestrictiveCovenants |
449 |
Debt Instrument, Unused Borrowing Capacity, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnusedBorrowingCapacityDescription |
450 |
Debt Instrument, Unused Borrowing Capacity, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnusedBorrowingCapacityAmount |
451 |
Debt Instrument, Unused Borrowing Capacity, Fee |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentUnusedBorrowingCapacityFee |
452 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Remaining Discount Amortization Period |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleRemainingDiscountAmortizationPeriod1 |
453 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Carrying Amount of Equity Component |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleCarryingAmountOfTheEquityComponent |
454 |
Debt Instrument, Convertible, Associated Derivative Transactions, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentConvertibleAssociatedDerivativeTransactionsDescription |
455 |
Debt Instrument, Debt Default [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultLongtermDebtAbstract |
456 |
Debt Instrument, Debt Default, Description of Violation or Event of Default |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DefaultLongtermDebtDescriptionOfViolationOrEventOfDefault |
457 |
Debt Instrument, Debt Default, Description of Notice of Default |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultLongtermDebtDescriptionOfNoticeOfDefault |
458 |
Debt Instrument, Debt Default, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtDefaultLongtermDebtAmount |
459 |
Debt Instrument, Subjective Acceleration Clause |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentSubjectiveAccelerationClause |
460 |
Debt Instrument, Term |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTerm |
461 |
Debt Instrument Redemption [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionTableTextBlock |
462 |
Debt Instrument Redemption [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionTable |
463 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeAxis |
464 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeDomain |
465 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
466 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
467 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
468 |
Medium-term Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediumTermNotesMember |
469 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
470 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
471 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
472 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
473 |
Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
474 |
Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EnhancedEquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
475 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
476 |
Unsecured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember |
477 |
Capital Lease Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalLeaseObligationsMember |
478 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
479 |
Construction Loans [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoansMember |
480 |
Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtMember |
481 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtMember |
482 |
Junior Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebtMember |
483 |
Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgagesMember |
484 |
Participating Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgagesMember |
485 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
486 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
487 |
Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
488 |
Senior Subordinated Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorSubordinatedNotesMember |
489 |
Senior Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorNotesMember |
490 |
Payment in Kind (PIK) Note [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PaymentInKindPIKNoteMember |
491 |
Debt Instrument [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAxis |
492 |
Debt Instrument, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentNameDomain |
493 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodAxis |
494 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodDomain |
495 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period One [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodOneMember |
496 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Two [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodTwoMember |
497 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Three [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodThreeMember |
498 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Four [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodFourMember |
499 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Period Five [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodFiveMember |
500 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionLineItems |
501 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionDescription |
502 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption Price, Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPricePercentage |
503 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption Price, Percentage of Principal Amount Redeemed |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPricePercentageOfPrincipalAmountRedeemed |
504 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption Period, Start Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodStartDate |
505 |
Debt Instrument, Redemption Period, End Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentRedemptionPeriodEndDate |
506 |
Maturities of Long-term Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MaturitiesOfLongTermDebtAbstract |
507 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayment Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentTerms |
508 |
Long-term Debt, Fiscal Year Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtByMaturityAbstract |
509 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Next Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths |
510 |
Long-term Debt, Maturing in Years Two and Three [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturingInYearsTwoAndThreeAbstract |
511 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo |
512 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree |
513 |
Long-term Debt, Maturing in Years Two and Three, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturingInYearsTwoAndThree |
514 |
Long-term Debt, Maturing in Years Four and Five [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturingInYearsFourAndFiveAbstract |
515 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour |
516 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive |
517 |
Long-term Debt, Maturing in Years Four and Five, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturingInYearsFourAndFive |
518 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive |
519 |
Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
520 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal, Remainder of Fiscal Year |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalRemainderOfFiscalYear |
521 |
Long-term Debt, Rolling Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtRollingMaturityAbstract |
522 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Next Rolling Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
523 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two and Three [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwoAndThreeAbstract |
524 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwo |
525 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearThree |
526 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two and Three, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwoAndThree |
527 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four and Five [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFourAndFiveAbstract |
528 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFour |
529 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFive |
530 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four and Five, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFourAndFive |
531 |
Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingAfterYearFive |
532 |
Long-term Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebt |
533 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Including Current Maturities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsIncludingCurrentMaturitiesAbstract |
534 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Repayments of Principal in Next Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths |
535 |
Maturities of Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MaturitiesOfLongtermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsAbstract |
536 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Two and Three [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsTwoAndThreeAbstract |
537 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo |
538 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree |
539 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Two and Three, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsTwoAndThree |
540 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Four and Five [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsFourAndFiveAbstract |
541 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour |
542 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive |
543 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Four and Five, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsFourAndFive |
544 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive |
545 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations |
546 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Including Current Maturities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsIncludingCurrentMaturities |
547 |
Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal Remainder of Fiscal Year |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalRemainderOfFiscalYear |
548 |
Long-term Debt, Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
549 |
Long-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Fixed Interest, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtPercentageBearingFixedInterestAmount |
550 |
Long-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Fixed Interest, Percentage Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtPercentageBearingFixedInterestRate |
551 |
Long-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Variable Interest, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtPercentageBearingVariableInterestAmount |
552 |
Long-term Debt, Percentage Bearing Variable Interest, Percentage Rate |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtPercentageBearingVariableInterestRate |
553 |
Long-term Debt, Contingent Payment of Principal or Interest |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtContingentPaymentOfPrincipalOrInterest |
554 |
Long-term Debt, Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtFairValue |
555 |
Debt and Capital Lease Obligations |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations |
556 |
Non-Recourse Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NonRecourseDebt |
557 |
Extinguishment of Debt Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtDisclosuresAbstract |
558 |
Schedule of Extinguishment of Debt [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfExtinguishmentOfDebtTextBlock |
559 |
Schedule of Extinguishment of Debt [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfExtinguishmentOfDebtTable |
560 |
Extinguishment of Debt [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtAxis |
561 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtTypeDomain |
562 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
563 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
564 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
565 |
Short-term Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtMember |
566 |
Long-term Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongTermDebtMember |
567 |
Medium-term Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediumTermNotesMember |
568 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
569 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
570 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
571 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
572 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
573 |
Unsecured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember |
574 |
Capital Lease Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalLeaseObligationsMember |
575 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
576 |
Bank Overdrafts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankOverdraftsMember |
577 |
Warehouse Agreement Borrowings [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WarehouseAgreementBorrowingsMember |
578 |
Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtMember |
579 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtMember |
580 |
Junior Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebtMember |
581 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
582 |
Bankers Acceptance [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankersAcceptanceMember |
583 |
Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgagesMember |
584 |
Participating Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgagesMember |
585 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
586 |
Product Financing Arrangement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ProductFinancingArrangementMember |
587 |
Federal Funds Purchased [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsPurchasedMember |
588 |
Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMember |
589 |
Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
590 |
Accounts Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountsPayableMember |
591 |
Extinguishment of Debt [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtLineItems |
592 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtAmount |
593 |
Gains (Losses) on Extinguishment of Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GainsLossesOnExtinguishmentOfDebt |
594 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Gain (Loss), Income Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtGainLossIncomeTax |
595 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Gain (Loss), Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtGainLossNetOfTax |
596 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Gain (Loss), Per Share, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtGainLossPerShareNetOfTax |
597 |
Extinguishment of Debt, Nature of Restrictions on Assets Set Aside for Scheduled Payments |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ExtinguishmentOfDebtNatureOfRestrictionsOnAssetsSetAsideForScheduledPayments |
598 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring Note, Debtor [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringNoteDebtorAbstract |
599 |
Summary of Troubled Debt Restructuring Note, Debtor [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:SummaryOfTroubledDebtRestructuringNoteDebtorTextBlock |
600 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodAbstract |
601 |
Schedule of Debtor Troubled Debt Restructuring, Current Period [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtorTroubledDebtRestructuringCurrentPeriodTextBlock |
602 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodTable |
603 |
Creditor [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodAxis |
604 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Creditor [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodCreditorDomain |
605 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodLineItems |
606 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Description of Changes in Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodDescriptionOfChangesInTerms |
607 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTaxAbstract |
608 |
Gains (Losses) on Restructuring of Debt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GainsLossesOnRestructuringOfDebt |
609 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Tax Effect |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringTaxEffect |
610 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTax |
611 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Transfer of Assets, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnTransferOfAssetsNetOfTax |
612 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Per Share, Net |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringPerShareNet |
613 |
Schedule of Debtor Troubled Debt Restructuring, Subsequent Periods [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtorTroubledDebtRestructuringSubsequentPeriodsTextBlock |
614 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsTable |
615 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsAxis |
616 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, Contingent Payments, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsContingentPaymentsNameDomain |
617 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsLineItems |
618 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, Contingent Payments, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsContingentPaymentsDescription |
619 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, Contingent Payments, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsContingentPaymentsAmount |
620 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, Contingent Payments, Conditions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsContingentPaymentsConditions |
621 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Other |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorOther |
622 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAbstract |
623 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementTableTextBlock |
624 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementTable |
625 |
Litigation Status [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LitigationStatusAxis |
626 |
Litigation Status [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LitigationStatusDomain |
627 |
Pending Litigation [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PendingLitigationMember |
628 |
Threatened Litigation [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ThreatenedLitigationMember |
629 |
Judicial Ruling [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:JudicialRulingMember |
630 |
Settled Litigation [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SettledLitigationMember |
631 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeAxis |
632 |
Long-term Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongtermDebtTypeDomain |
633 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
634 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
635 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
636 |
Medium-term Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediumTermNotesMember |
637 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
638 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
639 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
640 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
641 |
Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
642 |
Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EnhancedEquipmentTrustCertificateMember |
643 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
644 |
Unsecured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember |
645 |
Capital Lease Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalLeaseObligationsMember |
646 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
647 |
Construction Loans [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoansMember |
648 |
Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebtMember |
649 |
Convertible Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleSubordinatedDebtMember |
650 |
Junior Subordinated Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:JuniorSubordinatedDebtMember |
651 |
Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgagesMember |
652 |
Participating Mortgages [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgagesMember |
653 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
654 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
655 |
Corporate Debt Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateDebtSecuritiesMember |
656 |
Senior Subordinated Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorSubordinatedNotesMember |
657 |
Senior Notes [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeniorNotesMember |
658 |
Payment in Kind (PIK) Note [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PaymentInKindPIKNoteMember |
659 |
Debt Instrument [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentAxis |
660 |
Debt Instrument, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentNameDomain |
661 |
Credit Facility [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:CreditFacilityAxis |
662 |
Credit Facility [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CreditFacilityDomain |
663 |
Letter of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember |
664 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
665 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
666 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
667 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
668 |
Standby Letters of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StandbyLettersOfCreditMember |
669 |
Secured Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuredDebtMember |
670 |
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember |
671 |
Balance Sheet Location [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:BalanceSheetLocationAxis |
672 |
Balance Sheet Location [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BalanceSheetLocationDomain |
673 |
Other Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherAssetsMember |
674 |
Other Current Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherCurrentAssetsMember |
675 |
Other Noncurrent Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherNoncurrentAssetsMember |
676 |
Other Liabilities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesMember |
677 |
Other Current Liabilities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesMember |
678 |
Other Noncurrent Liabilities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesMember |
679 |
Other Investments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherInvestmentsMember |
680 |
Contract Holder Funds [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractHolderFundsMember |
681 |
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesMember |
682 |
Prepaid Expenses and Other Current Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PrepaidExpensesAndOtherCurrentAssetsMember |
683 |
Income Statement Location [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:IncomeStatementLocationAxis |
684 |
Income Statement Location [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IncomeStatementLocationDomain |
685 |
Sales [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SalesMember |
686 |
Trading Revenue [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradingRevenueMember |
687 |
Cost of Sales [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CostOfSalesMember |
688 |
Principal or Proprietary Transactions [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PrincipalOrProprietaryTransactionsMember |
689 |
Asset Management Income [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AssetManagementIncomeMember |
690 |
Other Income [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherIncomeMember |
691 |
Interest Income [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InterestIncomeMember |
692 |
Investment Income [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InvestmentIncomeMember |
693 |
Operating Income (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingIncomeLossMember |
694 |
Other Operating Income (Expense) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherOperatingIncomeExpenseMember |
695 |
Interest Expense [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InterestExpenseMember |
696 |
Operating Expense [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingExpenseMember |
697 |
Other Expense [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherExpenseMember |
698 |
Nonoperating Income (Expense) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonoperatingIncomeExpenseMember |
699 |
Other Nonoperating Income (Expense) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherNonoperatingIncomeExpenseMember |
700 |
Foreign Currency Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignCurrencyGainLossMember |
701 |
Sale of Subsidiary Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SaleOfSubsidiaryGainLossMember |
702 |
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpensesMember |
703 |
Selling and Marketing Expense [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SellingAndMarketingExpenseMember |
704 |
General and Administrative Expense [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:GeneralAndAdministrativeExpenseMember |
705 |
Short-term Debt, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTypeAxis |
706 |
Short-term Debt, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShortTermDebtTypeDomain |
707 |
Notes Payable to Banks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableToBanksMember |
708 |
Notes Payable, Other Payables [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NotesPayableOtherPayablesMember |
709 |
Loans Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LoansPayableMember |
710 |
Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditMember |
711 |
Domestic Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DomesticLineOfCreditMember |
712 |
Foreign Line of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForeignLineOfCreditMember |
713 |
Letter of Credit [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember |
714 |
Warehouse Agreement Borrowings [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WarehouseAgreementBorrowingsMember |
715 |
Convertible Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtMember |
716 |
Convertible Notes Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleNotesPayableMember |
717 |
Exchangeable Debt [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ExchangeableDebtMember |
718 |
Commercial Paper [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommercialPaperMember |
719 |
Construction Loan Payable [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionLoanPayableMember |
720 |
Bank Overdrafts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankOverdraftsMember |
721 |
Bankers Acceptance [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BankersAcceptanceMember |
722 |
Bridge Loan [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:BridgeLoanMember |
723 |
Product Financing Arrangement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ProductFinancingArrangementMember |
724 |
Federal Funds Purchased [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalFundsPurchasedMember |
725 |
Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMember |
726 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMember |
727 |
Federal Reserve Bank Advances [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FederalReserveBankAdvancesMember |
728 |
Asset-backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AssetBackedSecuritiesMember |
729 |
Collateralized Mortgage Backed Securities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MortgageBackedSecuritiesMember |
730 |
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CollateralizedMortgageObligationsMember |
731 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementLineItems |
732 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountOutstanding |
733 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Receivable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountReceivable |
734 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Recognized |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountRecognized |
735 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Corresponding Entry, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementCorrespondingEntryAmount |
736 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementDescription |
737 |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Recourse Provision, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementRecourseProvisionDescription |
738 |
Participating Mortgage Loan Arrangements [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoanArrangementsAbstract |
739 |
Participating Mortgage Loan Arrangements, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoanArrangementsDescription |
740 |
Schedule of Participating Mortgage Loans [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfParticipatingMortgageLoansTextBlock |
741 |
Participating Mortgage Loans [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansTable |
742 |
Participating Mortgage Loans [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansAxis |
743 |
Participating Mortgage Loan, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoanNameDomain |
744 |
Participating Mortgage Loans [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansLineItems |
745 |
Participating Mortgage Loan, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoanDescription |
746 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Description of Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansAppreciationInMarketValue |
747 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Results of Operations |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansResultsOfOperations |
748 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Mortgage Obligations, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansMortgageObligationsAmount |
749 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Participation Liabilities, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansParticipationLiabilitiesAmount |
750 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Extinguishment Gain (Loss) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansExtinguishmentGainLoss |
751 |
Participating Mortgage Loans, Unamortized Debt Discount, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansUnamortizedDebtDiscountAmount |
752 |
Interest Costs Incurred [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:InterestCostsIncurredAbstract |
753 |
Interest Expense, Debt [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:InterestExpenseDebtAbstract |
754 |
Amortization of Debt Discount (Premium) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmortizationOfDebtDiscountPremium |
755 |
Amortization of Financing Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmortizationOfFinancingCosts |
756 |
Interest Expense, Debt, Excluding Amortization |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestExpenseDebtExcludingAmortization |
757 |
Interest Expense, Debt, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestExpenseDebt |
758 |
Capitalized Interest Costs, Including Allowance for Funds Used During Construction [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:InterestCostsIncurredCapitalizedAbstract |
759 |
Interest Costs Capitalized |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestCostsCapitalized |
760 |
Allowance for Funds Used During Construction, Capitalized Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:PublicUtilitiesAllowanceForFundsUsedDuringConstructionCapitalizedInterest |
761 |
Capitalized Interest Costs, Including Allowance for Funds Used During Construction, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestCostsIncurredCapitalized |
762 |
Interest Costs Incurred, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestCostsIncurred |
763 |
Accumulated Capitalized Interest Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedCapitalizedInterestCosts |
764 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementAbstract |
765 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementDescription |
766 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Shares, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementSharesIssued |
767 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Collateral |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCollateral |
768 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Reasons |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementReasons |
769 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Shares, Outstanding [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementSharesOutstandingAbstract |
770 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Shares, Outstanding, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementSharesOutstandingValue |
771 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Shares, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementSharesOutstanding |
772 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Earnings Per Share, Treatment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementEarningsPerShareTreatment |
773 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsNetAbstract |
774 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsGross |
775 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAdjustment |
776 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAccumulatedAmortization |
777 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsNet |
778 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Net, Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsNetClassification |
779 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAccumulatedAmortizationRollForward |
780 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAccumulatedAmortization |
781 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Amortization Expense |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAmortizationExpense |
782 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAccumulatedAmortizationAdjustment |
783 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization Expense, Period Increase (Decrease),
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAmortizationExpensePeriodIncreaseDecrease |
784 |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredFinanceCostsOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsAccumulatedAmortization |
785 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Dividends, Not Reimbursed |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementDividendsNotReimbursed |
786 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultAbstract |
787 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Period of Default, Expense |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultPeriodOfDefaultExpense |
788 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Changes in Value [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultChangesInValueAbstract |
789 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Changes in Value, Shares |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultChangesInValueShares |
790 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Changes in Value, Probable Recoveries |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultChangesInValueRecoveries |
791 |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default, Earnings Per Share, Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OwnshareLendingArrangementCounterpartyDefaultEarningsPerShareShares |
792 |
Mortgage Notes Payable Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:MortgageNotesPayableDisclosureTextBlock |
793 |
Disclosure Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DisclosureTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
794 |
Debt and Capital Leases Disclosures [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DebtAndCapitalLeasesDisclosuresTextBlock |
795 |
Table Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TableTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
796 |
Schedule of Maturities of Long-term Debt [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfMaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTableTextBlock |
797 |
Schedule of Debt [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDebtTableTextBlock |
798 |
Convertible Debt [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtTableTextBlock |
799 |
Schedule of Carrying Values and Estimated Fair Values of Debt Instruments [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCarryingValuesAndEstimatedFairValuesOfDebtInstrumentsTableTextBlock |