Disclosure Descriptive Information
Label: Shareholders' Equity and Share-based Payments Disclosure [Note Level]
Name: ShareholdersEquityAndSharebasedPayments
Parent Topic: StockCompensation
Documentation: Entire footnote for accounts comprising shareholders' equity, comprised of portions attributable to the parent entity and noncontrolling interest, including other comprehensive income, and compensation-related costs for equity-based compensation.
US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Text Block: us-gaap:ShareholdersEquityAndShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock
Human Readable Examples: List of human readable examples
Machine Readable Examples: List of machine readable examples
Business rules (machine readable): XBRL Definition Relations
US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/CompensationRelatedCostsStockCompensation | XML | HTML

References to Accounting Standards Codification (ASC)
Item Description Reference

Example Disclosure

Prototype of Disclosure
Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name
1 Shareholders' Equity and Share-based Payments [Text Block] Concept (Text Block (HTML)) For Period us-gaap:ShareholdersEquityAndShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock

Business Rules Summary
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:ShareholdersEquityAndSharebasedPayments rules-arcroles:disclosure-equivalentTextblock us-gaap:ShareholdersEquityAndShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock
disclosures:ShareholdersEquityAndSharebasedPayments rules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern fro:TextBlock


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.