* |
Network: 470000 - Disclosure - Other Liabilities (http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/OtherLiabilities) |
1 |
Other Liabilities Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesDisclosureAbstract |
2 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesTextBlock |
3 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesTable |
4 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Date [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesDateAxis |
5 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Date [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesDateDomain |
6 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesLineItems |
7 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Initial Price Paid Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesInitialPricePaidPerShare |
8 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Final Price Paid Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesFinalPricePaidPerShare |
9 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Description of Adjustment to Initial Price Paid |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesDescriptionOfAdjustmentToInitialPricePaid |
10 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Settlement (Payment) or Receipt |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesSettlementPaymentOrReceipt |
11 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Adjustment to Recorded Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesAdjustmentToRecordedAmount |
12 |
Accelerated Share Repurchases, Cash or Stock Settlement |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesCashOrStockSettlement |
13 |
Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, Entity's Own Stock [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsIndexedToAndPotentiallySettledInEntitysOwnStockAbstract |
14 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Description [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityDescriptionTextBlock |
15 |
Schedule of Options Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOptionsIndexedToIssuersEquityTextBlock |
16 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityTable |
17 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityTypeAxis |
18 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityTypeDomain |
19 |
Call Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CallOptionMember |
20 |
Put Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PutOptionMember |
21 |
Exchange Traded Options [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ExchangeTradedOptionsMember |
22 |
Employee Stock Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember |
23 |
Position [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:PositionAxis |
24 |
Position [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PositionDomain |
25 |
Long [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongMember |
26 |
Short [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShortMember |
27 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityLineItems |
28 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Strike Price |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityStrikePrice1 |
29 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityShares |
30 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Indexed Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityIndexedShares |
31 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementDateOrDates |
32 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityClassification |
33 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternatives |
34 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Cash, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesCashAtFairValue |
35 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Shares, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesSharesAtFairValue |
36 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Contract Reclassification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityContractReclassification |
37 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Redeemable Stock, Redemption Requirements, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityRedeemableStockRedemptionRequirementsAmount1 |
38 |
Schedule of Forward Contracts Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfForwardContractsIndexedToIssuersEquityTextBlock |
39 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityTable |
40 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityTypeAxis |
41 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityTypeDomain |
42 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityLineItems |
43 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Forward Rate Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityForwardRate |
44 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityShares |
45 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Indexed Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityIndexedShares |
46 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementDateOrDates |
47 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityClassification |
48 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternatives |
49 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Cash, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesCashAtFairValue |
50 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Shares, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesSharesAtFairValue |
51 |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Contract Reclassification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityContractReclassification |
52 |
Other Liabilities and Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesAndSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionAbstract |
53 |
Schedule of Other Assets and Other Liabilities [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherAssetsAndOtherLiabilitiesTableTextBlock |
54 |
Other Liabilities Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesDisclosureTextBlock |
55 |
Other Liabilities, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesCurrentAbstract |
56 |
Restructuring Reserve, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RestructuringReserveCurrent |
57 |
Deposit Liability, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DepositLiabilityCurrent |
58 |
Customer Advances and Deposits, Current [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CustomerAdvancesAndDepositsCurrentAbstract |
59 |
Customer Advances, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CustomerAdvancesCurrent |
60 |
Customer Deposits, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CustomerDepositsCurrent |
61 |
Customer Advances and Deposits, Current, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CustomerAdvancesAndDepositsCurrent |
62 |
Refundable Gas Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RefundableGasCosts |
63 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmountCurrent |
64 |
Other Sundry Liabilities, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesCurrent |
65 |
Other Liabilities, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesCurrent |
66 |
Other Liabilities, Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrentAbstract |
67 |
Contributions in Aid of Construction |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ContributionsInAidOfConstruction |
68 |
Liability Above Market for Nonutility Generator Contracts, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LiabilityAboveMarketForNonutilityGeneratorContractsNoncurrent |
69 |
Other Sundry Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
70 |
Deferred Tax and Other Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredTaxAndOtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
71 |
Other Liabilities and Deferred Revenue, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesAndDeferredRevenueNoncurrent |
72 |
Other Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
73 |
Other Liabilities, Unclassified [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesUnclassifiedAbstract |
74 |
Estimated Litigation Liability |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LitigationReserve |
75 |
Guaranty Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GuarantyLiabilities |
76 |
Letters of Credit Outstanding, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LettersOfCreditOutstandingAmount |
77 |
Restructuring Reserve |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RestructuringReserve |
78 |
Off-market Lease, Unfavorable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OffMarketLeaseUnfavorable |
79 |
Financial Services Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:FinancialServicesLiabilities |
80 |
Deferred Revenue and Credits [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DeferredRevenueAndCreditsAbstract |
81 |
Deferred Revenue |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredRevenue |
82 |
Deferred Revenue, Leases, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredRevenueLeasesNet |
83 |
Deferred Gain on Sale of Property |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredGainOnSaleOfProperty |
84 |
Deferred Rent Credit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredRentCredit |
85 |
Incentive from Lessor |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:IncentiveFromLessor |
86 |
Advance Rent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdvanceRent |
87 |
Deferred Leasing Commissions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredLeasingCommissions |
88 |
Deferred Long-term Liability Charges |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredLongTermLiabilityCharges |
89 |
Deferred Revenue and Credits, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredRevenueAndCredits |
90 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmount |
91 |
Municipal Investment Agreements |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MunicipalInvestmentAgreements |
92 |
Other Sundry Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilities |
93 |
Other Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilities |
94 |
Other Liabilities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesAbstract |
95 |
Other Liabilities, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesCurrent |
96 |
Other Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
97 |
Other Liabilities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilities |
98 |
Other Sundry Liabilities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesAbstract |
99 |
Other Sundry Liabilities, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesCurrent |
100 |
Other Sundry Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
101 |
Other Sundry Liabilities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherSundryLiabilities |
102 |
Pension and Other Postretirement and Postemployment Benefit Plans, Liabilities, Noncurrent [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PensionAndOtherPostretirementAndPostemploymentBenefitPlansNoncurrentLiabilitiesAbstract |
103 |
Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
104 |
Other Postretirement Defined Benefit Plan, Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherPostretirementDefinedBenefitPlanLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
105 |
Other Postretirement Benefits Payable, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitsPayableNoncurrent |
106 |
Postemployment Benefits Liability, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PostemploymentBenefitsLiabilityNoncurrent |
107 |
Pension and Other Postretirement and Postemployment Benefit Plans, Liabilities, Noncurrent, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PensionAndOtherPostretirementAndPostemploymentBenefitPlansLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
108 |
Pension and Other Postretirement and Postemployment Benefit Plans, Liabilities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PensionAndOtherPostretirementAndPostemploymentBenefitPlansLiabilitiesAbstract |
109 |
Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPensionPlanCurrentAndNoncurrentLiabilities |
110 |
Other Postretirement Defined Benefit Plan, Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherPostretirementDefinedBenefitPlanLiabilitiesCurrentAndNoncurrent |
111 |
Other Postretirement Benefits Payable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitsPayableCurrentAndNoncurrent |
112 |
Postemployment Benefits Liability |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PostemploymentBenefitsLiabilityCurrentAndNoncurrent |
113 |
Pension and Other Postretirement and Postemployment Benefit Plans, Liabilities, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PensionAndOtherPostretirementAndPostemploymentBenefitPlansLiabilitiesCurrentAndNoncurrent |
114 |
Other Current Liabilities [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherCurrentLiabilitiesTableTextBlock |
115 |
Other Noncurrent Liabilities [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesTableTextBlock |
116 |
Other Liabilities [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherLiabilitiesTableTextBlock |
117 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption Disclosure [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionDisclosureTextBlock |
118 |
Schedule of Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTable |
119 |
Schedule of Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption by Settlement Terms [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionBySettlementTermsAxis |
120 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Financial Instrument [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionFinancialInstrumentDomain |
121 |
Securities Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SecuritiesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
122 |
Common Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonStockSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
123 |
Debentures Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DebenturesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
124 |
Derivatives Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DerivativesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
125 |
Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MandatorilyRedeemablePreferredStockMember |
126 |
Convertible Preferred Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
127 |
Cumulative Preferred Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativePreferredStockSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
128 |
Noncumulative Preferred Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncumulativePreferredStockSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
129 |
Participating Preferred Stock Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ParticipatingPreferredStockSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
130 |
Subordinated Debentures Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubordinatedDebenturesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
131 |
Warrants and Rights Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
132 |
Trust Preferred Securities Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrustPreferredSecuritiesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionMember |
133 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption by Settlement Terms [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionBySettlementTermsLineItems |
134 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsDescription |
135 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmountAbstract |
136 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmountCurrent |
137 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmountNoncurrent |
138 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Share Value, Amount, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsAmount |
139 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Number of Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsNumberOfShares |
140 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Fair Value of Shares |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsFairValueOfShares |
141 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Impact of Changes in Fair Value of Shares on Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsImpactOfChangesInFairValueOfSharesOnAmount |
142 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Impact of Changes in Fair Value of Shares on Number
of Shares
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsImpactOfChangesInFairValueOfSharesOnNumberOfShares |
143 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Maximum Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsMaximumAmount |
144 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Maximum Number of Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsMaximumNumberOfShares |
145 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Contract Limit |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsContractLimit |
146 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Number of Shares Indexed |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsNumberOfSharesIndexed |
147 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Forward Price or Option Strike Price, Shares, Settlement
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsForwardPriceOrOptionStrikePriceSharesSettlementDate |
148 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Reason for Uncertain Redemption |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsReasonForUncertainRedemption |
149 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Excess of Liabilities over Assets |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsExcessOfLiabilitiesOverAssets |
150 |
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Settlement Terms, Excess of Assets over Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:SharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionSettlementTermsExcessOfAssetsOverLiabilities |
151 |
Warrants and Rights Note Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:WarrantsAndRightsNoteDisclosureAbstract |
152 |
Schedule of Stockholders' Equity Note, Warrants or Rights [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockholdersEquityNoteWarrantsOrRightsTextBlock |
153 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightTable |
154 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightAxis |
155 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightDomain |
156 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightLineItems |
157 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Title of Security Warrants or Rights Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightTitleOfSecurityWarrantsOrRightsOutstanding |
158 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Date from which Warrants or Rights Exercisable |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRighstDateFromWhichWarrantsOrRightsExercisable |
159 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Number of Securities Called by Warrants or Rights |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightNumberOfSecuritiesCalledByWarrantsOrRights |
160 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Number of Securities Called by Each Warrant or Right |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightNumberOfSecuritiesCalledByEachWarrantOrRight |
161 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Exercise Price of Warrants or Rights |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightExercisePriceOfWarrantsOrRights1 |
162 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Expense or Revenue Recognized |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightExpenseOrRevenueRecognized |
163 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Reason for Issuing to Nonemployees |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightReasonForIssuingToNonemployees |
164 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Unissued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightUnissued |
165 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightOutstanding |
166 |
Warrants and Rights Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:WarrantsAndRightsOutstanding |
167 |
Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DeferredIncomeTaxesAndOtherLiabilitiesAbstract |
168 |
Deferred Income Taxes and Other Tax Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredIncomeTaxesAndOtherTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
169 |
Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredIncomeTaxesAndOtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
170 |
Additional Other Liabilities Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AdditionalOtherLiabilitiesDisclosureAbstract |
171 |
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DeferredCreditsAndOtherLiabilitiesAbstract |
172 |
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredCreditsAndOtherLiabilitiesCurrent |
173 |
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities, Noncurrent |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredCreditsAndOtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
174 |
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DeferredCreditsAndOtherLiabilities |
175 |
Below Market Lease [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAbstract |
176 |
Below Market Lease [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseRollForward |
177 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNet |
178 |
Below Market Lease, Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAcquired |
179 |
Amortization of Below Market Lease |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AmortizationOfBelowMarketLease |
180 |
Below Market Lease, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeasePeriodIncreaseDecrease |
181 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNet |
182 |
Below Market Lease, Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNetAbstract |
183 |
Below Market Lease, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseGross |
184 |
Below Market Lease, Accumulated Amortization |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAccumulatedAmortization |
185 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNet |
186 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Maturity Schedule [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeMaturityScheduleAbstract |
187 |
Below Market Lease, Future Amortization Income [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseFutureAmortizationIncomeTableTextBlock |
188 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Amortization Income, Fiscal Year Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNetAmortizationIncomeFiscalYearMaturityAbstract |
189 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Next Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeNextTwelveMonths |
190 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearTwo |
191 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearThree |
192 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearFour |
193 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearFive |
194 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeAfterYearFive |
195 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNet |
196 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Remainder of Fiscal Year |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRemainderOfFiscalYear |
197 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Amortization Income, Rolling Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNetAmortizationIncomeRollingMaturityAbstract |
198 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Next Rolling Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeNextRollingTwelveMonths |
199 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearTwo |
200 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearThree |
201 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearFour |
202 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearFive |
203 |
Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingAfterYearFive |
204 |
Below Market Lease, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:BelowMarketLeaseNet |