* |
Network: 370000 - Disclosure - Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Other (http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/IntangibleAssetsGoodwillAndOther) |
1 |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
2 |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock |
3 |
Intangible Assets Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock |
4 |
Amortization of Intangible Assets |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
5 |
Intangible Assets, Explanation of Significant Additions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsExplanationOfSignificantAdditions |
6 |
Intangible Assets, Explanation of Significant Deletions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsExplanationOfSignificantDeletions |
7 |
Schedule of Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTableTextBlock |
8 |
Schedule of Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTable |
9 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis |
10 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Major Class Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsMajorClassNameDomain |
11 |
Contractual Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractualRightsMember |
12 |
Franchise Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FranchiseRightsMember |
13 |
Licensing Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember |
14 |
Other Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherIntangibleAssetsMember |
15 |
Trade Dress [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeDressMember |
16 |
Trade Secrets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeSecretsMember |
17 |
Trademarks and Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember |
18 |
Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeNamesMember |
19 |
Trademarks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksMember |
20 |
Unclassified Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnclassifiedIndefinitelivedIntangibleAssetsMember |
21 |
Consolidation Items [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsAxis |
22 |
Consolidation Items [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsDomain |
23 |
Operating Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMember |
24 |
Intersegment Eliminations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntersegmentEliminationMember |
25 |
Segment Reconciling Items [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MaterialReconcilingItemsMember |
26 |
Corporate, Non-Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateNonSegmentMember |
27 |
Segments [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis |
28 |
Segments [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SegmentDomain |
29 |
Other Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AllOtherSegmentsMember |
30 |
Corporate Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateMember |
31 |
Corporate and Other [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateAndOtherMember |
32 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassLineItems |
33 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsRollForward |
34 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
35 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired |
36 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets, Indefinite-lived (Excluding Goodwill) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsIndefinitelivedExcludingGoodwill |
37 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Written off Related to Sale of Business Unit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWrittenOffRelatedToSaleOfBusinessUnit |
38 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustmentsAbstract |
39 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Translation Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAdjustments |
40 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Purchase Accounting Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
41 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
42 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
43 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
44 |
Impaired Intangible Assets [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
45 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetDescription |
46 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Facts and Circumstances Leading to Impairment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetFactsAndCircumstancesLeadingToImpairment |
47 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Method for Fair Value Determination |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetMethodForFairValueDetermination |
48 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Income Statement Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetIncomeStatementClassification |
49 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Segment Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetSegmentClassification |
50 |
Schedule of Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTableTextBlock |
51 |
Schedule of Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTable |
52 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis |
53 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Major Class Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsMajorClassNameDomain |
54 |
Above Market Leases [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AboveMarketLeasesMember |
55 |
Film Libraries [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AcquiredFilmLibrariesMember |
56 |
Artistic-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ArtisticRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
57 |
Certification Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CertificationMarksMember |
58 |
Coal Supply Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CoalSupplyAgreementsMember |
59 |
Collective Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CollectiveMarksMember |
60 |
Computer Software, Intangible Asset [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember |
61 |
Construction Permits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionPermitsMember |
62 |
Contract-Based Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractBasedIntangibleAssetsMember |
63 |
Contractual Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractualRightsMember |
64 |
Core Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CoreDepositsMember |
65 |
Customer Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerContractsMember |
66 |
Customer Lists [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerListsMember |
67 |
Customer Relationships [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember |
68 |
Customer-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
69 |
Distribution Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DistributionRightsMember |
70 |
Employment Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EmploymentContractsMember |
71 |
Franchise Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FranchiseRightsMember |
72 |
In Process Research and Development [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InProcessResearchAndDevelopmentMember |
73 |
Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationMember |
74 |
Intellectual Property [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntellectualPropertyMember |
75 |
Copyrights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CopyrightsMember |
76 |
Patents [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PatentsMember |
77 |
Trade Secrets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeSecretsMember |
78 |
Trademarks and Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember |
79 |
Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeNamesMember |
80 |
Trademarks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksMember |
81 |
Technology-Based Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember |
82 |
Database Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DatabasesMember |
83 |
Developed Technology Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DevelopedTechnologyRightsMember |
84 |
Patented Technology [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PatentedTechnologyMember |
85 |
Unpatented Technology [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnpatentedTechnologyMember |
86 |
Internet Domain Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InternetDomainNamesMember |
87 |
Lease Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeaseAgreementsMember |
88 |
Leases, Acquired-in-Place, Market Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeasesAcquiredInPlaceMarketAdjustmentMember |
89 |
Leases, Acquired-in-Place [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeasesAcquiredInPlaceMember |
90 |
Licensing Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember |
91 |
Marketing-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MarketingRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
92 |
Media Content [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediaContentMember |
93 |
Noncompete Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncompeteAgreementsMember |
94 |
Off-Market Favorable Lease [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OffMarketFavorableLeaseMember |
95 |
Operating and Broadcast Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingAndBroadcastRightsMember |
96 |
Order or Production Backlog [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OrderOrProductionBacklogMember |
97 |
Other Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherIntangibleAssetsMember |
98 |
Royalty Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RoyaltyAgreementsMember |
99 |
Service Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServiceAgreementsMember |
100 |
Service Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServiceMarksMember |
101 |
Servicing Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServicingContractsMember |
102 |
Standstill Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StandstillAgreementsMember |
103 |
Trade Dress [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeDressMember |
104 |
Transmission Service Agreement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TransmissionServiceAgreementMember |
105 |
Use Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UseRightsMember |
106 |
Consolidation Items [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsAxis |
107 |
Consolidation Items [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsDomain |
108 |
Operating Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMember |
109 |
Intersegment Eliminations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntersegmentEliminationMember |
110 |
Segment Reconciling Items [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MaterialReconcilingItemsMember |
111 |
Corporate, Non-Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateNonSegmentMember |
112 |
Segments [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis |
113 |
Segments [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SegmentDomain |
114 |
Other Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AllOtherSegmentsMember |
115 |
Corporate Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateMember |
116 |
Corporate and Other [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateAndOtherMember |
117 |
Range [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:RangeAxis |
118 |
Range [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RangeMember |
119 |
Maximum [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MaximumMember |
120 |
Minimum [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MinimumMember |
121 |
Weighted Average [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageMember |
122 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
123 |
Finite-lived Intangible Assets [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsRollForward |
124 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
125 |
Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired1 |
126 |
Amortization of Intangible Assets |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
127 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets, Finite-lived |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsFinitelived |
128 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustmentsAbstract |
129 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Translation Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAdjustments |
130 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Purchase Accounting Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
131 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
132 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
133 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
134 |
Impaired Intangible Assets [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
135 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetDescription |
136 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Facts and Circumstances Leading to Impairment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetFactsAndCircumstancesLeadingToImpairment |
137 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Method for Fair Value Determination |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetMethodForFairValueDetermination |
138 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Income Statement Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetIncomeStatementClassification |
139 |
Impaired Intangible Asset, Segment Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpairedIntangibleAssetSegmentClassification |
140 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Asset, Useful Life |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetUsefulLife |
141 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Method |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationMethod |
142 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Cost Incurred to Renew or Extend |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsCostIncurredToRenewOrExtend |
143 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Asset, Weighted Average Period before Next Renewal or Extension |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetWeightedAveragePeriodBeforeNextRenewalOrExtension |
144 |
Finite Lived Intangible Assets, Intent or Ability to Renew or Extend Arrangement |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsIntentOrAbilityToRenewOrExtendArrangement |
145 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Remaining Amortization Period |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsRemainingAmortizationPeriod1 |
146 |
Schedule of Acquired Finite-Lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTextBlock |
147 |
Schedule of Acquired Finite-Lived Intangible Asset by Major Class [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetByMajorClassTable |
148 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis |
149 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Major Class Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsMajorClassNameDomain |
150 |
Above Market Leases [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AboveMarketLeasesMember |
151 |
Film Libraries [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AcquiredFilmLibrariesMember |
152 |
Artistic-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ArtisticRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
153 |
Certification Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CertificationMarksMember |
154 |
Coal Supply Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CoalSupplyAgreementsMember |
155 |
Collective Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CollectiveMarksMember |
156 |
Computer Software, Intangible Asset [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember |
157 |
Construction Permits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConstructionPermitsMember |
158 |
Contract-Based Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractBasedIntangibleAssetsMember |
159 |
Contractual Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractualRightsMember |
160 |
Core Deposits [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CoreDepositsMember |
161 |
Customer Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerContractsMember |
162 |
Customer Lists [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerListsMember |
163 |
Customer Relationships [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember |
164 |
Customer-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CustomerRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
165 |
Distribution Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DistributionRightsMember |
166 |
Employment Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EmploymentContractsMember |
167 |
Franchise Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FranchiseRightsMember |
168 |
In Process Research and Development [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InProcessResearchAndDevelopmentMember |
169 |
Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationMember |
170 |
Intellectual Property [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntellectualPropertyMember |
171 |
Copyrights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CopyrightsMember |
172 |
Patents [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PatentsMember |
173 |
Trade Secrets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeSecretsMember |
174 |
Trademarks and Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember |
175 |
Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeNamesMember |
176 |
Trademarks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksMember |
177 |
Technology-Based Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember |
178 |
Database Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DatabasesMember |
179 |
Developed Technology Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DevelopedTechnologyRightsMember |
180 |
Patented Technology [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PatentedTechnologyMember |
181 |
Unpatented Technology [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnpatentedTechnologyMember |
182 |
Internet Domain Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:InternetDomainNamesMember |
183 |
Lease Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeaseAgreementsMember |
184 |
Leases, Acquired-in-Place, Market Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeasesAcquiredInPlaceMarketAdjustmentMember |
185 |
Leases, Acquired-in-Place [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LeasesAcquiredInPlaceMember |
186 |
Licensing Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember |
187 |
Marketing-Related Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MarketingRelatedIntangibleAssetsMember |
188 |
Media Content [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MediaContentMember |
189 |
Noncompete Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncompeteAgreementsMember |
190 |
Off-Market Favorable Lease [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OffMarketFavorableLeaseMember |
191 |
Operating and Broadcast Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingAndBroadcastRightsMember |
192 |
Order or Production Backlog [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OrderOrProductionBacklogMember |
193 |
Other Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherIntangibleAssetsMember |
194 |
Royalty Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RoyaltyAgreementsMember |
195 |
Service Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServiceAgreementsMember |
196 |
Service Marks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServiceMarksMember |
197 |
Servicing Contracts [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ServicingContractsMember |
198 |
Standstill Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StandstillAgreementsMember |
199 |
Trade Dress [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeDressMember |
200 |
Transmission Service Agreement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TransmissionServiceAgreementMember |
201 |
Use Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UseRightsMember |
202 |
Acquired Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
203 |
Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:FinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired1 |
204 |
Acquired Finite-lived Intangible Asset, Residual Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetResidualValue |
205 |
Acquired Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Weighted Average Useful Life |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife |
206 |
Acquired Finite-lived Intangible Asset, Weighted-Average Period before Renewal or Extension |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetWeightedAveragePeriodBeforeRenewalOrExtension |
207 |
Schedule of Acquired Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTextBlock |
208 |
Schedule of Acquired Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTable |
209 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis |
210 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Major Class Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsMajorClassNameDomain |
211 |
Contractual Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContractualRightsMember |
212 |
Franchise Rights [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FranchiseRightsMember |
213 |
Licensing Agreements [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember |
214 |
Other Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherIntangibleAssetsMember |
215 |
Trade Dress [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeDressMember |
216 |
Trade Secrets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeSecretsMember |
217 |
Trademarks and Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember |
218 |
Trade Names [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TradeNamesMember |
219 |
Trademarks [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TrademarksMember |
220 |
Unclassified Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnclassifiedIndefinitelivedIntangibleAssetsMember |
221 |
Acquired Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AcquiredIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
222 |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired |
223 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Maturity Schedule [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseCurrentAndFiveSucceedingFiscalYearsAbstract |
224 |
Schedule of Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Future Amortization Expense [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleofFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock |
225 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Amortization Expense, Fiscal Year Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseAbstract |
226 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Next Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths |
227 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearTwo |
228 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearThree |
229 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFour |
230 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFive |
231 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseAfterYearFive |
232 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
233 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Remainder of Fiscal Year |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRemainderOfFiscalYear |
234 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Amortization Expense, Rolling Maturity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNetAmortizationExpenseRollingMaturityAbstract |
235 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Next Rolling Twelve Months |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextRollingTwelveMonths |
236 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Two |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearTwo |
237 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Three |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearThree |
238 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Four |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFour |
239 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFive |
240 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling after Year Five |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingAfterYearFive |
241 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
242 |
Intangible Assets, Gross (Excluding Goodwill) [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsGrossExcludingGoodwillAbstract |
243 |
Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
244 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGross |
245 |
Intangible Assets, Gross (Excluding Goodwill), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsGrossExcludingGoodwill |
246 |
Intangible Assets, Net (Excluding Goodwill) [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwillAbstract |
247 |
Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwillAbstract |
248 |
Indefinite-Lived Contractual Rights |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedContractualRights |
249 |
Indefinite-Lived Franchise Rights |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedFranchiseRights |
250 |
Indefinite-Lived License Agreements |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedLicenseAgreements |
251 |
Indefinite-Lived Trademarks |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedTrademarks |
252 |
Indefinite-Lived Trade Names |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedTradeNames |
253 |
Other Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssets |
254 |
Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
255 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNetAbstract |
256 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGrossAbstract |
257 |
Capitalized Computer Software, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:CapitalizedComputerSoftwareGross |
258 |
Finite-Lived Contractual Rights, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedContractualRightsGross |
259 |
Finite-Lived Customer Lists, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedCustomerListsGross |
260 |
Finite-Lived Customer Relationships, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedCustomerRelationshipsGross |
261 |
Finite-Lived License Agreements, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedLicenseAgreementsGross |
262 |
Finite-Lived Noncompete Agreements, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedNoncompeteAgreementsGross |
263 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Asset, Off-market Lease, Favorable, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetOffMarketLeaseFavorableGross |
264 |
Finite-Lived Patents, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedPatentsGross |
265 |
Finite-Lived Trademarks, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedTrademarksGross |
266 |
Finite-Lived Trade Names, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedTradeNamesGross |
267 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Asset, Acquired-in-Place Leases |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetAcquiredInPlaceLeases |
268 |
Finite-Lived Core Deposits, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedCoreDepositsGross |
269 |
Other Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGross |
270 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Gross, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGross |
271 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Accumulated Amortization |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAccumulatedAmortization |
272 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
273 |
Intangible Assets, Net (Excluding Goodwill), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill |
274 |
Intangible Assets, Net (Including Goodwill) [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsNetIncludingGoodwillAbstract |
275 |
Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
276 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
277 |
Goodwill |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:Goodwill |
278 |
Intangible Assets, Net (Including Goodwill), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsNetIncludingGoodwill |
279 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwillAbstract |
280 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets, Finite-lived |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsFinitelived |
281 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets, Indefinite-lived (Excluding Goodwill) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsIndefinitelivedExcludingGoodwill |
282 |
Impairment of Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpairmentOfIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
283 |
Intangible Assets, Current |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:IntangibleAssetsCurrent |
284 |
Other Intangible Assets, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherIntangibleAssetsNet |
285 |
Schedule of Goodwill [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfGoodwillTextBlock |
286 |
Schedule of Goodwill [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfGoodwillTable |
287 |
Consolidation Items [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsAxis |
288 |
Consolidation Items [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsDomain |
289 |
Operating Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMember |
290 |
Intersegment Eliminations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IntersegmentEliminationMember |
291 |
Segment Reconciling Items [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MaterialReconcilingItemsMember |
292 |
Corporate, Non-Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateNonSegmentMember |
293 |
Segments [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis |
294 |
Segments [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SegmentDomain |
295 |
Other Segments [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AllOtherSegmentsMember |
296 |
Corporate Segment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateMember |
297 |
Corporate and Other [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CorporateAndOtherMember |
298 |
Range [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:RangeAxis |
299 |
Range [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RangeMember |
300 |
Maximum [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MaximumMember |
301 |
Minimum [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:MinimumMember |
302 |
Weighted Average [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageMember |
303 |
Goodwill [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillLineItems |
304 |
Goodwill [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillRollForward |
305 |
Goodwill, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:Goodwill |
306 |
Goodwill, Acquired During Period |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillAcquiredDuringPeriod |
307 |
Goodwill, Impairment Loss |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairmentLoss |
308 |
Goodwill, Subsequent Recognition of Deferred Tax Asset |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GoodwillSubsequentRecognitionOfDeferredTaxAsset |
309 |
Goodwill, Other Changes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GoodwillOtherChanges |
310 |
Goodwill, Written off Related to Sale of Business Unit |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GoodwillWrittenOffRelatedToSaleOfBusinessUnit |
311 |
Goodwill, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustmentsAbstract |
312 |
Goodwill, Translation Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillTranslationAdjustments |
313 |
Goodwill, Purchase Accounting Adjustments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
314 |
Goodwill, Translation and Purchase Accounting Adjustments, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillTranslationAndPurchaseAccountingAdjustments |
315 |
Goodwill, Transfers |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillTransfers |
316 |
Goodwill, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
317 |
Goodwill, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:Goodwill |
318 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Accumulated Impairment Loss [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedAccumulatedImpairmentLossAbstract |
319 |
Goodwill, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillGross |
320 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Accumulated Impairment Loss |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedAccumulatedImpairmentLoss |
321 |
Goodwill, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:Goodwill |
322 |
Goodwill, Impaired [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedAbstract |
323 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Facts and Circumstances Leading to Impairment |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedFactsAndCircumstancesLeadingToImpairment |
324 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Method for Fair Value Determination |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedMethodForFairValueDetermination |
325 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Income Statement Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedIncomeStatementClassification |
326 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Change in Estimate Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedChangeInEstimateDescription |
327 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Reasons for Use of Estimate |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedReasonsForUseOfEstimate |
328 |
Goodwill, Impaired, Adjustment to Initial Estimate Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairedAdjustmentToInitialEstimateAmount |
329 |
Goodwill, Not Allocated, Reason |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillNotAllocatedReason |
330 |
Goodwill, Not Allocated, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillNotAllocatedAmount |
331 |
Goodwill, Impairment Loss, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GoodwillImpairmentLossNetOfTax |
332 |
Reporting Unit, Percentage of Fair Value in Excess of Carrying Amount |
[Concept] |
Percent |
As of |
us-gaap:ReportingUnitPercentageOfFairValueInExcessOfCarryingAmount |
333 |
Reporting Unit, Amount of Fair Value in Excess of Carrying Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ReportingUnitAmountOfFairValueInExcessOfCarryingAmount |
334 |
Number of Reporting Units |
[Concept] |
Integer |
For period |
us-gaap:NumberOfReportingUnits |
335 |
Disclosure of Change of Date for Annual Goodwill Impairment Test |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DisclosureOfChangeOfDateForAnnualGoodwillImpairmentTest |
336 |
Reason for Change in Date of Annual Goodwill Impairment Test |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ReasonForChangeInDateOfAnnualGoodwillImpairmentTest |
337 |
New Date of Annual Goodwill Impairment Test |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:NewDateOfAnnualGoodwillImpairmentTest |
338 |
Schedule of Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationTextBlock |
339 |
Schedule of Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationTable |
340 |
Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination by Transaction [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationByTransactionAxis |
341 |
Research and Development Asset, Transaction [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetTransactionDomain |
342 |
Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationLineItems |
343 |
Research and Development Asset Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationDescription |
344 |
Research and Development Asset Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, Fair Value Acquired |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationFairValueAcquired |
345 |
Research and Development Asset Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, Written-off |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationWrittenOff |
346 |
Research and Development Asset Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, Written-off, Income Statement Caption |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentAssetAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationWrittenOffIncomeStatementCaption |
347 |
Disclosure Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DisclosureTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
348 |
Asset Impairment Charges [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:AssetImpairmentChargesTextBlock |
349 |
Goodwill Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:GoodwillDisclosureTextBlock |
350 |
Table Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TableTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
351 |
Finite-lived Intangible Assets Amortization Expense [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock |
352 |
Schedule of Intangible Assets and Goodwill [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillTableTextBlock |
353 |
Schedule of Impaired Intangible Assets [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfImpairedIntangibleAssetsTextBlock |