* |
Network: 500000 - Disclosure - Equity (http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/Equity) |
1 |
Equity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EquityAbstract |
2 |
Stockholders' Equity Note [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteAbstract |
3 |
Stockholders' Equity Note Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteDisclosureTextBlock |
4 |
Class of Stock Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ClassOfStockDisclosuresAbstract |
5 |
Schedule of Stock by Class [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTextBlock |
6 |
Schedule of Stock by Class [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTable |
7 |
Class of Stock [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis |
8 |
Class of Stock [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain |
9 |
Common Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassAMember |
10 |
Common Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassBMember |
11 |
Common Class C [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassCMember |
12 |
Convertible Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleCommonStockMember |
13 |
Nonvoting Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember |
14 |
Cumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativePreferredStockMember |
15 |
Noncumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncumulativePreferredStockMember |
16 |
Redeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemablePreferredStockMember |
17 |
Nonredeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemablePreferredStockMember |
18 |
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
19 |
Nonredeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
20 |
Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
21 |
Contingent Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContingentConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
22 |
Preferred Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassAMember |
23 |
Preferred Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassBMember |
24 |
Series A Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember |
25 |
Series B Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember |
26 |
Series C Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesCPreferredStockMember |
27 |
Series D Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesDPreferredStockMember |
28 |
Series E Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesEPreferredStockMember |
29 |
Series F Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesFPreferredStockMember |
30 |
Series G Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesGPreferredStockMember |
31 |
Series H Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesHPreferredStockMember |
32 |
Class of Stock [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ClassOfStockLineItems |
33 |
Preferred Stock, Number of Shares, Par Value and Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredStockNumberOfSharesParValueAndOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
34 |
Preferred Stock, Value, Issued |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockValue |
35 |
Preferred Stock, Par or Stated Value Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
36 |
Preferred Stock, No Par Value |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockNoParValue |
37 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockShareSubscriptions |
38 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued, Value [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissuedValueAbstract |
39 |
Preferred Stock, Value, Subscriptions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissuedValue |
40 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued, Subscriptions Receivable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissuedSubscriptionsReceivable |
41 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesAuthorized |
42 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesIssued |
43 |
Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockSharesOutstanding |
44 |
Preferred Stock, Voting Rights |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockVotingRights |
45 |
Preferred Stock, Call or Exercise Features |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockCallOrExerciseFeatures |
46 |
Preferred Stock, Dividend Rate, Percentage |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDividendRatePercentage |
47 |
Preferred Stock, Dividend Rate, Per-Dollar-Amount |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDividendRatePerDollarAmount |
48 |
Preferred Stock, Dividend Payment Rate, Variable |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDividendPaymentRateVariable |
49 |
Dividends, Preferred Stock [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockAbstract |
50 |
Dividends, Preferred Stock, Cash |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockCash |
51 |
Dividends, Preferred Stock, Stock |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockStock |
52 |
Dividends, Preferred Stock, Paid-in-kind |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockPaidinkind |
53 |
Dividends, Preferred Stock, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStock |
54 |
Preferred Stock, Dividend Payment Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDividendPaymentTerms |
55 |
Preferred Stock, Dividend Preference or Restrictions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDividendPreferenceOrRestrictions |
56 |
Preferred Stock, Liquidation Preference, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockLiquidationPreferenceValue |
57 |
Preferred Stock, Liquidation Preference Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockLiquidationPreference |
58 |
Preferred Stock, Contract Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockContractTerms |
59 |
Preferred Stock, Capital Shares Reserved for Future Issuance |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockCapitalSharesReservedForFutureIssuance |
60 |
Preferred Stock, Amount of Preferred Dividends in Arrears |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockAmountOfPreferredDividendsInArrears |
61 |
Preferred Stock, Per Share Amounts of Preferred Dividends in Arrears |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockPerShareAmountsOfPreferredDividendsInArrears |
62 |
Preferred Stock, Redemption Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockRedemptionTerms |
63 |
Preferred Stock, Redemption Price Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredStockRedemptionPricePerShare |
64 |
Preferred Stock, Redemption Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockRedemptionDate |
65 |
Preferred Stock, Reason why Security is Not Redeemable |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockReasonWhySecurityIsNotRedeemable |
66 |
Preferred Stock, Participation Rights |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockParticipationRights |
67 |
Preferred Stock, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Net of Discount [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredStockIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalNetOfDiscountAbstract |
68 |
Preferred Stock, Including Additional Paid in Capital [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredStockIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalAbstract |
69 |
Preferred Stock, Value, Issued |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockValue |
70 |
Additional Paid in Capital, Preferred Stock |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalPreferredStock |
71 |
Preferred Stock, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapital |
72 |
Preferred Stock, Discount on Shares |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockDiscountOnShares |
73 |
Preferred Stock, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Net of Discount, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredStockIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalNetOfDiscount |
74 |
Features of Convertible Preferred Stock [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:FeaturesOfConvertiblePreferredStockAbstract |
75 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Nonredeemable or Redeemable, Issuer Option, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockNonredeemableOrRedeemableIssuerOptionValue |
76 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Terms of Conversion |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockTermsOfConversion |
77 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Issued upon Conversion |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesIssuedUponConversion |
78 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Reserved for Future Issuance |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesReservedForFutureIssuance |
79 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Settlement Terms |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockSettlementTerms |
80 |
Convertible Preferred Stock, Associated Derivative Transactions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockAssociatedDerivativeTransactions |
81 |
Common Stock, Number of Shares, Par Value and Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CommonStockNumberOfSharesParValueAndOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
82 |
Common Stock, Par or Stated Value Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
83 |
Common Stock, No Par Value |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockNoParValue |
84 |
Common Stock, Value, Subscriptions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesSubscriptions |
85 |
Common Stock, Share Subscribed but Unissued, Subscriptions Receivable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:CommonStockShareSubscribedButUnissuedSubscriptionsReceivable |
86 |
Common Stock, Shares Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesAuthorized |
87 |
Common Stock, Shares, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesIssued |
88 |
Common Stock, Shares, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesOutstanding |
89 |
Common Stock, Other Shares, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockOtherSharesOutstanding |
90 |
Common Stock, Other Value, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommonStockOtherValueOutstanding |
91 |
Common Stock, Shares Held in Employee Trust |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesHeldInEmployeeTrust |
92 |
Common Stock, Shares Held in Employee Trust, Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockSharesHeldInEmployeeTrustShares |
93 |
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Declared |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockDividendsPerShareDeclared |
94 |
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Cash Paid |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockDividendsPerShareCashPaid |
95 |
Dividends, Common Stock [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockAbstract |
96 |
Dividends, Common Stock, Cash |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockCash |
97 |
Dividends, Common Stock, Stock |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockStock |
98 |
Dividends, Common Stock, Paid-in-kind |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockPaidinkind |
99 |
Dividends, Common Stock, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsCommonStock |
100 |
Common Stock, Conversion Features |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockConversionFeatures |
101 |
Common Stock, Call or Exercise Features |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockCallOrExerciseFeatures |
102 |
Common Stock, Voting Rights |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockVotingRights |
103 |
Common Stocks, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Net of Discount [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CommonStockIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalNetOfDiscountAbstract |
104 |
Common Stocks, Including Additional Paid in Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommonStocksIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapital |
105 |
Common Stock, Discount on Shares |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:CommonStockDiscountOnShares |
106 |
Common Stocks, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Net of Discount, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommonStocksIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalNetOfDiscount |
107 |
Common Stock, Capital Shares Reserved for Future Issuance |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonStockCapitalSharesReservedForFutureIssuance |
108 |
Common Stock, Conversion Basis |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockConversionBasis |
109 |
Earnings Per Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareAbstract |
110 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicAbstract |
111 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Basic Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossBeforeExtraordinaryItemsAndCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrinciplePerBasicShareAbstract |
112 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations, Per Basic Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerBasicShare |
113 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Basic Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsAndDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicShareAbstract |
114 |
Discontinued Operation, Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Basic Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationIncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerBasicShare |
115 |
Discontinued Operation, Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Basic Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationGainLossOnDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerBasicShare |
116 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Basic Share, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicShare |
117 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Basic Share, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossBeforeExtraordinaryItemsAndCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrinciplePerBasicShare |
118 |
Income (Loss) from Extraordinary Items, Net of Tax, Per Basic Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromExtraordinaryItemsNetOfTaxPerBasicShare |
119 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasic |
120 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic, Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
121 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations, Per Basic Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerBasicShare |
122 |
Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic |
123 |
Earnings Per Share, Diluted [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareDilutedAbstract |
124 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Diluted Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossBeforeExtraordinaryItemsAndCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrinciplePerDilutedShareAbstract |
125 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations, Per Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerDilutedShare |
126 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Diluted Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsAndDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerDilutedShareAbstract |
127 |
Discontinued Operation, Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationIncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerDilutedShare |
128 |
Discontinued Operation, Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationGainLossOnDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerDilutedShare |
129 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Diluted Share, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerDilutedShare |
130 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Diluted Share, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossBeforeExtraordinaryItemsAndCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrinciplePerDilutedShare |
131 |
Income (Loss) from Extraordinary Items, Net of Tax, Per Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromExtraordinaryItemsNetOfTaxPerDilutedShare |
132 |
Earnings Per Share, Diluted, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareDiluted |
133 |
Earnings Per Share, Diluted, Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareDilutedOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
134 |
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share, Amount |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount |
135 |
Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Diluted |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding |
136 |
Weighted Average Number Diluted Shares Outstanding Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstandingAdjustment |
137 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic and Diluted [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicAndDilutedAbstract |
138 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Basic and Diluted Share [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromOperationsBeforeExtraordinaryItemsPerBasicAndDilutedShareAbstract |
139 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations, Per Basic and Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
140 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Basic and Diluted Share
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsAndDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicAndDilutedShareAbstract |
141 |
Discontinued Operation, Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Basic and Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationIncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
142 |
Discontinued Operation, Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Discontinued Operation, Net of Tax, Per Basic and Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DiscontinuedOperationGainLossOnDisposalOfDiscontinuedOperationNetOfTaxPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
143 |
Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations and Disposal of Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Per Basic and Diluted Share,
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTaxPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
144 |
Income (Loss) from Operations before Extraordinary Items, Per Basic and Diluted Share, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromOperationsBeforeExtraordinaryItemsPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
145 |
Income (Loss) from Extraordinary Items, Net of Tax, Per Basic and Diluted Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromExtraordinaryItemsNetOfTaxPerBasicAndDilutedShare |
146 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic and Diluted, Total |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicAndDiluted |
147 |
Earnings Per Share, Basic and Diluted, Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicAndDilutedOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
148 |
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share, Amount |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount |
149 |
Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Diluted |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding |
150 |
Weighted Average Number Diluted Shares Outstanding Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstandingAdjustment |
151 |
Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic and Diluted |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:WeightedAverageNumberOfShareOutstandingBasicAndDiluted |
152 |
Share Price |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:SharePrice |
153 |
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Declared |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockDividendsPerShareDeclared |
154 |
Common Stock, Dividends, Per Share, Cash Paid |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:CommonStockDividendsPerShareCashPaid |
155 |
Class of Treasury Stock [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfTreasuryStockByClassTextBlock |
156 |
Class of Treasury Stock [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ClassOfTreasuryStockTable |
157 |
Class of Stock [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis |
158 |
Class of Stock [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain |
159 |
Common Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassAMember |
160 |
Common Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassBMember |
161 |
Common Class C [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassCMember |
162 |
Convertible Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleCommonStockMember |
163 |
Nonvoting Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember |
164 |
Cumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativePreferredStockMember |
165 |
Noncumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncumulativePreferredStockMember |
166 |
Redeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemablePreferredStockMember |
167 |
Nonredeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemablePreferredStockMember |
168 |
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
169 |
Nonredeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
170 |
Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
171 |
Contingent Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContingentConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
172 |
Preferred Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassAMember |
173 |
Preferred Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassBMember |
174 |
Series A Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember |
175 |
Series B Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember |
176 |
Series C Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesCPreferredStockMember |
177 |
Series D Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesDPreferredStockMember |
178 |
Series E Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesEPreferredStockMember |
179 |
Series F Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesFPreferredStockMember |
180 |
Series G Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesGPreferredStockMember |
181 |
Series H Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesHPreferredStockMember |
182 |
Share Repurchase Program [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ShareRepurchaseProgramAxis |
183 |
Share Repurchase Program [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShareRepurchaseProgramDomain |
184 |
Equity, Class of Treasury Stock [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EquityClassOfTreasuryStockLineItems |
185 |
Stock Repurchase Program, Authorized Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramAuthorizedAmount1 |
186 |
Stock Repurchase Program, Number of Shares Authorized to be Repurchased |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramNumberOfSharesAuthorizedToBeRepurchased |
187 |
Stock Repurchase Program, Remaining Authorized Repurchase Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramRemainingAuthorizedRepurchaseAmount1 |
188 |
Stock Repurchase Program, Remaining Number of Shares Authorized to be Repurchased |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramRemainingNumberOfSharesAuthorizedToBeRepurchased |
189 |
Stock Repurchase Program, Period in Force |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramPeriodInForce1 |
190 |
Stock Repurchase Program Expiration Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:StockRepurchaseProgramExpirationDate |
191 |
Treasury Stock, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockValue |
192 |
Treasury Stock, Value, Acquired, Par Value Method |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockValueAcquiredParValueMethod |
193 |
Treasury Stock, Value, Acquired, Cost Method |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockValueAcquiredCostMethod |
194 |
Treasury Stock Reissued at Lower than Repurchase Price |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockReissuedAtLowerThanRepurchasePrice |
195 |
Treasury Stock, Retired, Par Value Method, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockRetiredParValueMethodAmount |
196 |
Treasury Stock, Retired, Cost Method, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockRetiredCostMethodAmount |
197 |
Treasury Stock, Shares, Retired |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockSharesRetired |
198 |
Treasury Stock Acquired, Average Cost Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockAcquiredAverageCostPerShare |
199 |
Treasury Stock, Carrying Basis |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockCarryingBasis |
200 |
Treasury Stock Acquired, Repurchase Authorization |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockAcquiredRepurchaseAuthorization |
201 |
Treasury Stock Acquired, Purchase Price Significantly in Excess of Current Fair Value, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockAcquiredPurchasePriceSignificantlyInExcessOfCurrentMarketPrice |
202 |
Treasury Stock, Number of Shares Held |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockNumberOfSharesHeld |
203 |
Shares, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesIssued |
204 |
Shares Issued, Price Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesIssuedPricePerShare |
205 |
Redemption Premium |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:RedemptionPremium |
206 |
Dividends, Share-based Compensation [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensationAbstract |
207 |
Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Cash |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensationCash |
208 |
Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Stock |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationStock |
209 |
Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Paid-in-kind |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationPaidInKind |
210 |
Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensation |
211 |
Stockholders' Equity before Treasury Stock |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityBeforeTreasuryStock |
212 |
Adjustments Related to Tax Withholding for Share-based Compensation |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsRelatedToTaxWithholdingForShareBasedCompensation |
213 |
Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation and Exercise of Stock Options |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationAndExerciseOfStockOptions |
214 |
Shares Paid for Tax Withholding for Share Based Compensation |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:SharesPaidForTaxWithholdingForShareBasedCompensation |
215 |
Stock Issued, Value, Stock Options Exercised, Net of Tax Benefit (Expense) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueStockOptionsExercisedNetOfTaxBenefitExpense |
216 |
Stock and Warrants Issued During Period, Value, Preferred Stock and Warrants |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockAndWarrantsIssuedDuringPeriodValuePreferredStockAndWarrants |
217 |
Restricted Stock, Value, Shares Issued Net of Tax Withholdings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RestrictedStockValueSharesIssuedNetOfTaxWithholdings |
218 |
Restricted Stock, Shares Issued Net of Shares for Tax Withholdings |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:RestrictedStockSharesIssuedNetOfSharesForTaxWithholdings |
219 |
Stockholders' Equity, Change in Reporting Entity |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityChangeInReportingEntity |
220 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Subscriptions Receivable |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteSubscriptionsReceivable |
221 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Stock Split |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteStockSplit |
222 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Stock Split, Conversion Ratio |
[Concept] |
Pure |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteStockSplitConversionRatio1 |
223 |
Stockholders' Equity, Reverse Stock Split |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityReverseStockSplit |
224 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Impact of Conversion of Contingently Convertible Securities on Diluted Earnings Per Share |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteImpactOfConversionOfContingentlyConvertibleSecuritiesOnDilutedEarningsPerShare |
225 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Changes in Capital Structure, Retroactive Impact |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteChangesInCapitalStructureRetroactiveImpact |
226 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Changes in Capital Structure, Subsequent Changes to Number of Common Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteChangesInCapitalStructureSubsequentChangesToNumberOfCommonShares |
227 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Spinoff Transaction |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteSpinoffTransaction |
228 |
Stockholders' Equity Note, Derivative Transactions Connected with Contingently Convertible Securities |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteDerivativeTransactionsConnectedWithContingentlyConvertibleSecurities |
229 |
Retained Earnings Note Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsNoteDisclosureAbstract |
230 |
Retained Earnings, Restrictions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsRestrictions |
231 |
Retained Earnings, Undistributed Earnings from Equity Method Investees |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsUndistributedEarningsFromEquityMethodInvestees |
232 |
Retained Earnings, Effective Date of New Retained Earnings Account Established after Readjustment |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsEffectiveDatesOfNewRetainedEarningsAccountEstablishedAfterReadjustment |
233 |
Retained Earnings, Date Relative to Establishment of New Retained Earnings Account |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsDatesRelativeToEstablishmentOfNewRetainedEarningsAccount |
234 |
New Accounting Pronouncement or Change in Accounting Principle, Cumulative Effect of Change on Equity or Net Assets |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementOrChangeInAccountingPrincipleCumulativeEffectOfChangeOnEquityOrNetAssets1 |
235 |
Income Tax Effects Allocated Directly to Equity, Prior Period Adjustment |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxEffectsAllocatedDirectlyToEquityPriorPeriodAdjustment |
236 |
Income Tax Effects Allocated Directly to Equity, Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principle |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxEffectsAllocatedDirectlyToEquityCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrinciple |
237 |
Schedule of Retained Earnings Adjustments [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRetainedEarningsAdjustmentsTableTextBlock |
238 |
Schedule of Retained Earnings Adjustments [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRetainedEarningsAdjustmentsTable |
239 |
Adjustments for New Accounting Pronouncements [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsForNewAccountingPronouncementsAxis |
240 |
Type of Adoption [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:TypeOfAdoptionMember |
241 |
Adjustments for New Accounting Pronouncement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementMember |
242 |
Accounting Standards Update 2009-16 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate200916Member |
243 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-11 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201011Member |
244 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-13 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201013Member |
245 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-15 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201015Member |
246 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-16 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201016Member |
247 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-24 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201024Member |
248 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-28 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201028Member |
249 |
Accounting Standards Update 2010-26 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201026Member |
250 |
Accounting Standards Update 2011-04 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201104Member |
251 |
Accounting Standards Update 2012-01 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201201Member |
252 |
Accounting Standards Update 2012-04 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201204Member |
253 |
Accounting Standards Update 2012-05 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201205Member |
254 |
Accounting Standards Update 2012-07 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201207Member |
255 |
Accounting Standards Update 2013-07 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201307Member |
256 |
EITF 06-4 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EITF064Member |
257 |
EITF 08-3 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EITF083Member |
258 |
FAS 156 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FAS156Member |
259 |
FAS 158 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FAS158Member |
260 |
FAS 159 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FAS159Member |
261 |
FAS 160 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FAS160Member |
262 |
FAS 163 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FAS163Member |
263 |
FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2 [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FSPFAS1152AndFAS1242Member |
264 |
Fair Value Option Election for Variable Interest Entity [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:FairValueOptionElectionForVariableInterestEntityMember |
265 |
Cumulative-Effect Adjustment, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entity [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectAdjustmentConsolidationOfVariableInterestEntityMember |
266 |
Cumulative-Effect Adjustment, Deconsolidation of Variable Interest Entity [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectAdjustmentDeconsolidationOfVariableInterestEntityMember |
267 |
Adjustments for New Accounting Principle, Early Adoption [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsForNewAccountingPrincipleEarlyAdoptionMember |
268 |
Adjustments for Change in Accounting Principle [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsForChangeInAccountingPrincipleAxis |
269 |
Adjustments for Change in Accounting Principle [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ChangeInAccountingPrincipleMember |
270 |
Adjustments for Error Corrections [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ErrorCorrectionsAndPriorPeriodAdjustmentsRestatementByRestatementPeriodAndAmountAxis |
271 |
Adjustments for Error Correction [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsForErrorCorrectionDomain |
272 |
Retained Earnings Adjustments [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsAdjustmentsLineItems |
273 |
Cumulative Effect on Retained Earnings, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectOnRetainedEarningsNetOfTaxAbstract |
274 |
Cumulative Effect on Retained Earnings, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectOnRetainedEarningsBeforeTax1 |
275 |
Cumulative Effect on Retained Earnings, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectOnRetainedEarningsTax1 |
276 |
Cumulative Effect on Retained Earnings, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:CumulativeEffectOnRetainedEarningsNetOfTax1 |
277 |
Restatement of Prior Year Income [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:RestatementOfPriorYearIncomeAbstract |
278 |
Restatement to Prior Year Income [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:RestatementToPriorYearIncomeTextBlock |
279 |
Restatement of Prior Year Income, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:RestatementOfPriorYearIncomeNetOfTaxAbstract |
280 |
Restatement of Prior Year Income, Gross |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RestatementOfPriorYearIncomeGross |
281 |
Restatement of Prior Year Income, Tax Effects |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:RestatementOfPriorYearIncomeTaxEffects |
282 |
Restatement of Prior Year Income, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:RestatementOfPriorYearIncomeNetOfTax |
283 |
Impact of Restatement on Opening Retained Earnings, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpactOfRestatementOnOpeningRetainedEarningsBeforeTax |
284 |
Impact of Restatement on Opening Retained Earnings, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:ImpactOfRestatementOnOpeningRetainedEarningsNetOfTax |
285 |
Impact of Restatement on Earnings Per Share, Basic |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpactOfRestatementOnEarningsPerShareBasic |
286 |
Impact of Restatement on Earnings Per Share, Diluted |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:ImpactOfRestatementOnEarningsPerShareDiluted |
287 |
Shares Held in Employee Stock Ownership Plan [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SharesHeldInEmployeeStockOwnershipPlanAbstract |
288 |
Shares Held in Employee Stock Option Plan, Allocated |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesHeldInEmployeeStockOptionPlanAllocated |
289 |
Shares Held in Employee Stock Option Plan, Committed-to-be-Released |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesHeldInEmployeeStockOptionPlanCommittedToBeReleased |
290 |
Shares held in Employee Stock Option Plan, Suspense Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:SharesHeldInEmployeeStockOptionPlanSuspenseShares |
291 |
Employee Trust [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EmployeeTrustAbstract |
292 |
Compensation and Benefits Trust |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CompensationAndBenefitsTrust |
293 |
Capital Accumulation Plans |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CapitalAccumulationPlans |
294 |
Comprehensive Income (Loss) Note [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNoteTextBlock |
295 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
296 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
297 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss), before Reclassification and Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossBeforeReclassificationAndTax |
298 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationBeforeTax |
299 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTax |
300 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
301 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments
and Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTaxAbstract |
302 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
303 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising
During Period, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
304 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationBeforeTax |
305 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments
and Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTax |
306 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
before Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeTaxAbstract |
307 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossBeforeTax |
308 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditBeforeTax |
309 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationBeforeTax |
310 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
before Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeTax |
311 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeTax |
312 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax, [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
313 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments and Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTaxAbstract |
314 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
315 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeTax |
316 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments and Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTax |
317 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesBeforeTax |
318 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesBeforeTax |
319 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeTax |
320 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
321 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
322 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
323 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
324 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
325 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
326 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesBeforeTax |
327 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesBeforeTax |
328 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax |
329 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxAbstract |
330 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentTaxAbstract |
331 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax |
332 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationTax |
333 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentTax |
334 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax Effect [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesTaxEffectPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
335 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodTax |
336 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesTax |
337 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesTax |
338 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTaxAbstract |
339 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTaxAbstract |
340 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodTax |
341 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax |
342 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTax |
343 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesTax |
344 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesTax |
345 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax |
346 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
347 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
348 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
349 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
350 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansTaxAbstract |
351 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTaxAbstract |
352 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax |
353 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBenefitPlanImprovementTaxEffect |
354 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationTax |
355 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTax |
356 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTaxAbstract |
357 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossTax |
358 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditTax |
359 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationTax |
360 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTax |
361 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTax |
362 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTax |
363 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
364 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
365 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Net of
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
366 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationNetOfTax |
367 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax |
368 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
369 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments,
Net of Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTaxAbstract |
370 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
371 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising
During Period, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostsCreditArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
372 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationNetOfTax |
373 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments,
Net of Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTax |
374 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Net of Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetOfTaxAbstract |
375 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossNetOfTax |
376 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditNetOfTax |
377 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationNetOfTax |
378 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Net of Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetOfTax |
379 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetOfTax |
380 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
381 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments, Net of Tax
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTaxAbstract |
382 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
383 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTransfersFromHeldToMaturityToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesNetOfTax |
384 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments, Net of Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTax |
385 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesNetOfTax |
386 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesNetOfTax |
387 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentNetOfTax |
388 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
389 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
390 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
391 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
392 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
393 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
394 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesNetOfTax |
395 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesNetOfTax |
396 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
397 |
Other Comprehensive Income, Other, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeOtherNetOfTax |
398 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Plan Amendments, Tax Effect [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansPlanAmendmentTaxEffectAbstract |
399 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBenefitPlanImprovementTaxEffect |
400 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationTax |
401 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Plan Amendments, Tax Effect, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansPlanAmendmentsTaxEffect |
402 |
Disclosure of Reclassification Amount [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DisclosureOfReclassificationAmountTextBlock |
403 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Taxes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleNetOfTaxesAbstract |
404 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, before Taxes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleBeforeTaxes |
405 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Taxes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleTaxes |
406 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Taxes, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleNetOfTaxes |
407 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesAbstract |
408 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDisclosure |
409 |
Schedule of Auction Market Preferred Securities by Stock Series [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesByStockSeriesTextBlock |
410 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesTable |
411 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesAxis |
412 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Title [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesTitleDomain |
413 |
Series A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesAMember |
414 |
Series B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesBMember |
415 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesLineItems |
416 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Liquidation Preference |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesLiquidationPreference |
417 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Liquidation Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesLiquidationValue |
418 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Par Value Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesParValuePerShare |
419 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Rate Setting Interval |
[Concept] |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesRateSettingInterval1 |
420 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Redemption Requirements |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesRedemptionRequirements |
421 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Aggregate Redemption Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesAggregateRedemptionAmount |
422 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Per-Share Redemption Amount |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesPerShareRedemptionAmount |
423 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Schedule of Dividend Distributions [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesScheduleOfDividendDistributionsAbstract |
424 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend, Cumulative Undistributed |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDividendCumulativeUndistributed |
425 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend Arrearages |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecurities |
426 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend Arrearages, Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesPerShare |
427 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend, Paid from Earnings and Capital [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDividendPaidFromEarningsAndCapitalAbstract |
428 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend, Paid from Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDividendPaidFromCapital |
429 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend, Paid from Earnings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDividendPaidFromEarnings |
430 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Dividend, Paid from Earnings and Capital, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesDividendPaidFromEarningsAndCapital |
431 |
Movement in Auction Market Preferred Securities, Shares Outstanding [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MovementInAuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesSharesOutstandingRollForward |
432 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Shares Outstanding, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesSharesOutstanding |
433 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Shares, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesSharesIssued |
434 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Shares, Redeemed |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesSharesRedeemed |
435 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock, Shares Outstanding, Period Increase (Decrease), Total |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSharesOutstandingPeriodIncreaseDecrease |
436 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Shares Outstanding, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesSharesOutstanding |
437 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Shares Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesSharesAuthorized |
438 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesValue |
439 |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series, Variable Interest Rate Earned |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesVariableInterestRateEarned |
440 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockDescriptionTextBlock |
441 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Stock [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockStockTable |
442 |
Class of Stock [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementClassOfStockAxis |
443 |
Class of Stock [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ClassOfStockDomain |
444 |
Common Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassAMember |
445 |
Common Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassBMember |
446 |
Common Class C [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CommonClassCMember |
447 |
Convertible Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertibleCommonStockMember |
448 |
Nonvoting Common Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember |
449 |
Cumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CumulativePreferredStockMember |
450 |
Noncumulative Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoncumulativePreferredStockMember |
451 |
Redeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemablePreferredStockMember |
452 |
Nonredeemable Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemablePreferredStockMember |
453 |
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
454 |
Nonredeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NonredeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
455 |
Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
456 |
Contingent Convertible Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ContingentConvertiblePreferredStockMember |
457 |
Preferred Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassAMember |
458 |
Preferred Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredClassBMember |
459 |
Series A Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember |
460 |
Series B Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember |
461 |
Series C Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesCPreferredStockMember |
462 |
Series D Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesDPreferredStockMember |
463 |
Series E Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesEPreferredStockMember |
464 |
Series F Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesFPreferredStockMember |
465 |
Series G Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesGPreferredStockMember |
466 |
Series H Preferred Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SeriesHPreferredStockMember |
467 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Stock [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockStockLineItems |
468 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Subsidiary |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockSubsidiary |
469 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockDescription |
470 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Business Activity |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockBusinessActivity |
471 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Issuance Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockIssuanceDates |
472 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Policy |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockPolicy |
473 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Pricing |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockPricing |
474 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Use of Non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Measures of Performance |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockUseOfNonGenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciplesMeasuresOfPerformance |
475 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Cost Allocation Method |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockCostAllocationMethod |
476 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Conflicts of Interest |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockConflictsOfInterest |
477 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Related Party Transactions |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockRelatedPartyTransactions |
478 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Corporate Events |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockCorporateEvents |
479 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Terms of Conversion |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockTermsOfConversion |
480 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Changes in Fair Value on Security Holder Rights |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockChangesInMarketValueOnSecurityHolderRights |
481 |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Redemption Price |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockRedemptionPrice |
482 |
Restrictions for Consolidated and Unconsolidated Subsidiaries [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:RestrictionsForConsolidatedAndUnconsolidatedSubsidiariesAbstract |
483 |
Restriction to Transfer Funds |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:RestrictionToTransferFunds |
484 |
Amount of Restricted Net Assets for Consolidated and Unconsolidated Subsidiaries |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmountOfRestrictedNetAssetsForConsolidatedAndUnconsolidatedSubsidiaries |
485 |
Income Tax Effects Allocated Directly to Equity, Equity Transactions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxEffectsAllocatedDirectlyToEquityEquityTransactions |
486 |
Adjustments of Retained Earnings and Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Due to Application of Measurement Date
Provisions [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AdjustmentsOfRetainedEarningsAndAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDueToApplicationOfMeasurementDateProvisionsAbstract |
487 |
Effect on Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EffectOnRetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitDueToChangeInMeasurementDateNetOfTaxAbstract |
488 |
Effect on Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) Due to Change in Measurement Date, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:EffectOnRetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitDueToChangeInMeasurementDateBeforeTax |
489 |
Effect on Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:EffectOnRetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitDueToChangeInMeasurementDateTax |
490 |
Effect on Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:EffectOnRetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitDueToChangeInMeasurementDateNetOfTax |
491 |
Effect on Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:EffectOnAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDueToChangeInMeasurementDateNetOfTaxAbstract |
492 |
Effect on Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Due to Change in Measurement Date, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:EffectOnAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDueToChangeInMeasurementDateBeforeTax |
493 |
Effect on Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:EffectOnAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDueToChangeInMeasurementDateTax |
494 |
Effect on Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) Due to Change in Measurement Date, Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:EffectOnAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDueToChangeInMeasurementDateNetOfTax |
495 |
Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, Entity's Own Stock, Equity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsIndexedToAndPotentiallySettledInEntitysOwnStockEquityAbstract |
496 |
Schedule of Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, Entity's Own Stock, Equity [Table Text
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsIndexedToAndPotentiallySettledInEntitysOwnStockEquityTextBlock |
497 |
Schedule of Options Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOptionsIndexedToIssuersEquityTextBlock |
498 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Equity [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityEquityTable |
499 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityEquityAxis |
500 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityTypeDomain |
501 |
Call Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CallOptionMember |
502 |
Put Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PutOptionMember |
503 |
Exchange Traded Options [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ExchangeTradedOptionsMember |
504 |
Employee Stock Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember |
505 |
Position [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:PositionAxis |
506 |
Position [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PositionDomain |
507 |
Long [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LongMember |
508 |
Short [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShortMember |
509 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityLineItems |
510 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Strike Price |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityStrikePrice1 |
511 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityShares |
512 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Indexed Shares |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityIndexedShares |
513 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementDateOrDates |
514 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Classification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityClassification |
515 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternatives |
516 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Cash, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesCashAtFairValue |
517 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Shares, at Fair Value |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesSharesAtFairValue |
518 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Contract Reclassification |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityContractReclassification |
519 |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Redeemable Stock, Redemption Requirements, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityRedeemableStockRedemptionRequirementsAmount1 |
520 |
Reclassifications Between Temporary and Permanent Equity |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ReclassificationsBetweenTemporaryAndPermanentEquity |
521 |
Warrants and Rights Note Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:WarrantsAndRightsNoteDisclosureAbstract |
522 |
Schedule of Stockholders' Equity Note, Warrants or Rights [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockholdersEquityNoteWarrantsOrRightsTextBlock |
523 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightTable |
524 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightAxis |
525 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightDomain |
526 |
Class of Warrant or Right [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightLineItems |
527 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Title of Security Warrants or Rights Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightTitleOfSecurityWarrantsOrRightsOutstanding |
528 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Date from which Warrants or Rights Exercisable |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRighstDateFromWhichWarrantsOrRightsExercisable |
529 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Number of Securities Called by Warrants or Rights |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightNumberOfSecuritiesCalledByWarrantsOrRights |
530 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Number of Securities Called by Each Warrant or Right |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightNumberOfSecuritiesCalledByEachWarrantOrRight |
531 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Exercise Price of Warrants or Rights |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightExercisePriceOfWarrantsOrRights1 |
532 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Expense or Revenue Recognized |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightExpenseOrRevenueRecognized |
533 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Reason for Issuing to Nonemployees |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightReasonForIssuingToNonemployees |
534 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Unissued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightUnissued |
535 |
Class of Warrant or Right, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightOutstanding |
536 |
Warrants and Rights Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:WarrantsAndRightsOutstanding |
537 |
Income Deposit Securities [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncomeDepositSecuritiesAbstract |
538 |
Income Deposit Securities, Dividend Policy |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeDepositSecuritiesDividendPolicy |
539 |
Income Deposit Securities, Risks and Limitations |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeDepositSecuritiesRisksAndLimitations |
540 |
Income Deposit Securities, Forward-Looking Cash Flows |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IncomeDepositSecuritiesForwardLookingCashFlows |
541 |
Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock |
542 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTable |
543 |
Equity Components [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementEquityComponentsAxis |
544 |
Equity Component [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquityComponentDomain |
545 |
Accumulated Net Unrealized Investment Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedNetUnrealizedInvestmentGainLossMember |
546 |
Accumulated Other-than-Temporary Impairment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentMember |
547 |
Accumulated Net Gain (Loss) from Designated or Qualifying Cash Flow Hedges [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromDesignatedOrQualifyingCashFlowHedgesMember |
548 |
Accumulated Translation Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember |
549 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember |
550 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember |
551 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetPriorServiceCostCreditMember |
552 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Transition Asset (Obligation) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetTransitionAssetObligationMember |
553 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossLineItems |
554 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxRollForward |
555 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
556 |
Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Current Period, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationFromAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeCurrentPeriodNetOfTaxAbstract |
557 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Reclassifications, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeReclassificationsNetOfTax |
558 |
Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Current Period, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ReclassificationFromAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeCurrentPeriodNetOfTax |
559 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
560 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
561 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax [Roll Forward] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxRollForward |
562 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Beginning Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax1 |
563 |
Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Current Period, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationFromAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeCurrentPeriodBeforeTaxAbstract |
564 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Reclassifications, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeReclassificationsBeforeTax |
565 |
Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Current Period, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ReclassificationFromAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeCurrentPeriodBeforeTax |
566 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax |
567 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Ending Balance |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax1 |
568 |
Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Loss), after Adoption of New Accounting Principle |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedComprehensiveIncomeAfterAdoptionOfNewAccountingPrinciple |
569 |
Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeTableTextBlock |
570 |
Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeTable |
571 |
Equity Components [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:StatementEquityComponentsAxis |
572 |
Equity Component [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EquityComponentDomain |
573 |
Accumulated Net Unrealized Investment Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedNetUnrealizedInvestmentGainLossMember |
574 |
Accumulated Other-than-Temporary Impairment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentMember |
575 |
Accumulated Net Gain (Loss) from Designated or Qualifying Cash Flow Hedges [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedNetGainLossFromDesignatedOrQualifyingCashFlowHedgesMember |
576 |
Accumulated Translation Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember |
577 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember |
578 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetUnamortizedGainLossMember |
579 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetPriorServiceCostCreditMember |
580 |
Accumulated Defined Benefit Plans Adjustment, Net Transition Asset (Obligation) [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetTransitionAssetObligationMember |
581 |
Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeAxis |
582 |
Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeDomain |
583 |
Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember |
584 |
Reclassification Adjustment out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:ReclassificationAdjustmentOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLineItems |
585 |
Revenues |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:Revenues |
586 |
Cost of Goods Sold |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:CostOfGoodsSold |
587 |
Investment Income, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:InvestmentIncomeNet |
588 |
Other Income |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherIncome |
589 |
Interest Expense |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:InterestExpense |
590 |
Other Cost and Expense, Operating |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherCostAndExpenseOperating |
591 |
Gain (Loss) on Investments, Excluding Other than Temporary Impairments |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GainLossOnInvestmentsExcludingOtherThanTemporaryImpairments |
592 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion Recognized in Earnings, Net |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionRecognizedInEarningsNet |
593 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes, Extraordinary Items, Noncontrolling Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesExtraordinaryItemsNoncontrollingInterest |
594 |
Income Tax Expense (Benefit) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit |
595 |
Net Income (Loss), Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:ProfitLoss |
596 |
Schedule of Sale of Stock by Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee Disclosure [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSaleOfStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeDisclosureTextBlock |
597 |
Schedule of Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeTable |
598 |
Consolidation Items [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsAxis |
599 |
Consolidation Items [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsDomain |
600 |
Reportable Legal Entities [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ReportableLegalEntitiesMember |
601 |
Consolidation, Eliminations [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ConsolidationEliminationsMember |
602 |
Legal Entity [Axis] |
[Axis] |
dei:LegalEntityAxis |
603 |
Entity [Domain] |
[Member] |
dei:EntityDomain |
604 |
Subsidiaries [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SubsidiariesMember |
605 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeLineItems |
606 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Nature of Operations |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeNatureOfOperations |
607 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Cumulative Percentage Ownership after All Transactions |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeCumulativePercentageOwnershipAfterAllTransactions |
608 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Cumulative Number of Shares Issued for All Transactions |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeCumulativeNumberOfSharesIssuedForAllTransactions |
609 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Cumulative Proceeds Received on All Transactions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeCumulativeProceedsReceivedOnAllTransactions |
610 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Cumulative Proceeds Received on All Transactions, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeCumulativeProceedsReceivedOnAllTransactionsDescription |
611 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Deferred Income Tax Provision on Gain (Loss) Recognized Flag |
[Concept] |
Yes/No |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeDeferredIncomeTaxProvisionOnCumulativeGainLossRecognized |
612 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Deferred Income Tax Provision on Gain (Loss) Recognized, Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeDeferredIncomeTaxProvisionOnCumulativeGainLossRecognizedAmount |
613 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Reason for Omitting Deferred Income Tax Provision on Gain (Loss) Recognized |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeReasonForOmittingDeferredIncomeTaxProvisionOnCumulativeGainLossRecognized |
614 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Noncontrolling Interest in Income of Subsidiary |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeMinorityInterestInIncomeOfSubsidiary |
615 |
Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Stock in Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GainLossOnSaleOfStockInSubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvestee |
616 |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Sale of Stock by Subsidiary or Equity Investee [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeSaleOfStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityInvesteeTable |
617 |
Sale of Stock [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:SubsidiarySaleOfStockAxis |
618 |
Sale of Stock [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockNameOfTransactionDomain |
619 |
IPO [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IPOMember |
620 |
Private Placement [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PrivatePlacementMember |
621 |
Employee Stock [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember |
622 |
Note Warrant [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:NoteWarrantMember |
623 |
Over-Allotment Option [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OverAllotmentOptionMember |
624 |
Subsidiary, Sale of Stock [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:SubsidiarySaleOfStockLineItems |
625 |
Sale of Stock, Description of Transaction |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockDescriptionOfTransaction |
626 |
Sale of Stock, Nature of Operations |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockNatureOfOperations |
627 |
Sale of Stock, Transaction Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockTransactionDate |
628 |
Sale of Stock, Number of Shares Issued in Transaction |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockNumberOfSharesIssuedInTransaction |
629 |
Sale of Stock, Percentage of Ownership before Transaction |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockPercentageOfOwnershipBeforeTransaction |
630 |
Sale of Stock, Price Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockPricePerShare |
631 |
Sale of Stock, Percentage of Ownership after Transaction |
[Concept] |
Percent |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockPercentageOfOwnershipAfterTransaction |
632 |
Sale of Stock, Nature of Consideration Received Per Transaction |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockNatureOfConsiderationReceivedPerTransaction |
633 |
Sale of Stock, Consideration Received Per Transaction |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockConsiderationReceivedPerTransaction |
634 |
Sale of Stock, Consideration Received on Transaction |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockConsiderationReceivedOnTransaction |
635 |
Sale of Stock, Deferred Income Tax Provision on Gain (Loss) Recognized |
[Concept] |
Yes/No |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockDeferredIncomeTaxProvisionOnGainLossRecognized |
636 |
Sale of Stock, Reason for Omitting Deferred Income Tax Provision on Gain (Loss) Recognized |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:SaleOfStockReasonForOmittingDeferredIncomeTaxProvisionOnGainLossRecognized |
637 |
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Previously Unissued Stock by Subsidiary or Equity Investee, Nonoperating Income |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:GainLossOnSaleOfPreviouslyUnissuedStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityInvesteeNonoperatingIncome |
638 |
Partners' Capital Notes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalNotesAbstract |
639 |
Partners' Capital Notes Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalNotesDisclosureTextBlock |
640 |
Partners' Capital, Distribution Amount Per Share |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
As of |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalDistributionAmountPerShare |
641 |
Partners' Capital, Distributions Policies |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalDistributionsPolicies |
642 |
Partners' Capital, Redemption and Conversion Policies |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalRedemptionAndConversionPolicies |
643 |
Partners' Capital, Limitation of Liability |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalLimitationOfLiability |
644 |
Units of Partnership Interest, Amount |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:UnitsOfPartnershipInterestAmount |
645 |
Units of Partnership Interest, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:UnitsOfPartnershipInterestDescription |
646 |
Partners' Capital [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalAbstract |
647 |
General and Limited Partners' Capital Account [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GeneralAndLimitedPartnersCapitalAccountAbstract |
648 |
General Partners' Capital Account [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCapitalAccountAbstract |
649 |
General Partners' Contributed Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersContributedCapital |
650 |
General Partners' Offering Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersOfferingCosts |
651 |
General Partners' Cumulative Cash Distributions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCumulativeCashDistributions |
652 |
General Partners' Cumulative Earnings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCumulativeNetIncome |
653 |
General Partner's Share of Undistributed Earnings, Incentive Distribution Right Embedded in General Partner Interest |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersShareOfUndistributedEarningsIncentiveDistributionRightEmbeddedInGeneralPartnerInterest |
654 |
General Partners' Cumulative Special Earnings (Losses) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersSpecialEarningsAllocation |
655 |
General Partners' Capital Account, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCapitalAccount |
656 |
General Partners' Capital Account, Description of Units |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCapitalAccountDescriptionOfUnits |
657 |
General Partners' Capital Account, Period Distribution Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:GeneralPartnersCapitalAccountDistributionAmount |
658 |
Schedule of Limited Partners' Capital Account by Class [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLimitedPartnersCapitalAccountByClassTextBlock |
659 |
Schedule of Limited Partners' Capital Account by Class [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLimitedPartnersCapitalAccountByClassTable |
660 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account by Class [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountByClassAxis |
661 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Class [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountClassDomain |
662 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountLineItems |
663 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Description of Units |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountDescriptionOfUnits |
664 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Units Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountUnitsAuthorized |
665 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Units Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountUnitsIssued |
666 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Units Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountUnitsOutstanding |
667 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Distribution Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountDistributionAmount |
668 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Value [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccountValueAbstract |
669 |
Limited Partners' Contributed Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersContributedCapital |
670 |
Limited Partners' Offering Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersOfferingCosts |
671 |
Limited Partners' Cumulative Cash Distributions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCumulativeCashDistributions |
672 |
Limited Partners' Cumulative Earnings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCumulativeNetIncome |
673 |
Limited Partners' Cumulative Special Earnings (Losses) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCumulativeSpecialEarningsLosses |
674 |
Limited Partners' Capital Account, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedPartnersCapitalAccount |
675 |
Schedule of Preferred Units [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfPreferredUnitsTextBlock |
676 |
Schedule of Preferred Units [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfPreferredUnitsTable |
677 |
Preferred Units by Name [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsByNameAxis |
678 |
Preferred Units, Class [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsClassDomain |
679 |
Preferred Units [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsLineItems |
680 |
Preferred Units Description and Other Disclosures [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsDescriptionAndOtherDisclosuresAbstract |
681 |
Preferred Units, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsDescription |
682 |
Preferred Units, Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsAuthorized |
683 |
Preferred Units, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsIssued |
684 |
Preferred Units, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsOutstanding |
685 |
Preferred Units, Preferred Partners' Capital Accounts [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsPreferredPartnersCapitalAccountsAbstract |
686 |
Preferred Units, Contributed Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsContributedCapital |
687 |
Preferred Units, Offering Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsOfferingCosts |
688 |
Preferred Units, Cumulative Cash Distributions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsCumulativeCashDistributions |
689 |
Preferred Units, Cumulative Earnings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsCumulativeNetIncome |
690 |
Preferred Units, Preferred Partners' Capital Accounts, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PreferredUnitsPreferredPartnersCapitalAccounts |
691 |
Schedule of Other Ownership Interests [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherOwnershipInterestsTextBlock |
692 |
Schedule of Other Ownership Interests [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherOwnershipInterestsTable |
693 |
Other Ownership Interests Name [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsByNameAxis |
694 |
Other Ownership Interests, Name [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsNameDomain |
695 |
Other Ownership Interests [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsLineItems |
696 |
Other Ownership Interests, Units Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsUnitsAuthorized |
697 |
Other Ownership Interests, Units Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsUnitsIssued |
698 |
Other Ownership Interests, Units Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsUnitsOutstanding |
699 |
Other Ownership Interests, Capital Account [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsCapitalAccountAbstract |
700 |
Other Ownership Interests, Contributed Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsValue |
701 |
Other Ownership Interests, Offering Costs |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsOfferingCosts |
702 |
Other Ownership Interests, Cumulative Cash Distributions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsCumulativeCashDistributions |
703 |
Other Ownership Interests, Cumulative Earnings |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsCumulativeNetIncome |
704 |
Other Ownership Interests, Capital Account, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherOwnershipInterestsCapitalAccount |
705 |
Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit |
706 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
707 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax1 |
708 |
Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Loss), after Adoption of New Accounting Principle |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedComprehensiveIncomeAfterAdoptionOfNewAccountingPrinciple |
709 |
Partners' Capital Deferred Compensation |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalDeferredCompensation |
710 |
Offering Costs, Partnership Interests |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:OfferingCostsPartnershipInterests |
711 |
Partners' Capital Allocated for Income Tax and Other Withdrawals |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalAllocatedForIncomeTaxAndOtherWithdrawals |
712 |
Other Partners' Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherPartnersCapital |
713 |
Partners' Capital, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:PartnersCapital |
714 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Members' Equity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMembersEquityAbstract |
715 |
Common Unit, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonUnitIssued |
716 |
Common Unit, Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonUnitAuthorized |
717 |
Common Unit, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CommonUnitOutstanding |
718 |
Common Unit, Issuance Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CommonUnitIssuanceValue |
719 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Issued |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitIssued |
720 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitAuthorized |
721 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitOutstanding |
722 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Issuance Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitIssuanceValue |
723 |
Members' Equity [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:MembersEquityAbstract |
724 |
Members' Capital |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MembersCapital |
725 |
Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit |
726 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
727 |
Notes Receivable by Owner to Limited Liability Company (LLC) |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:NotesReceivableByOwnerToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLC |
728 |
Members' Equity, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:MembersEquity |
729 |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Members' Equity, Unit-based Compensation |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMembersEquityUnitBasedCompensation |
730 |
Distributions Made to Members or Limited Partners [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToMembersOrLimitedPartnersAbstract |
731 |
Distributions Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, by Distribution [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLlcMemberByDistributionTableTextBlock |
732 |
Distributions Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberTable |
733 |
Distribution Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerByDistributionTypeAxis |
734 |
Distribution Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DistributionTypeDomain |
735 |
Cash Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashDistributionMember |
736 |
Stock Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StockDistributionMember |
737 |
Unit Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnitDistributionMember |
738 |
Share Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShareDistributionMember |
739 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberLineItems |
740 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Cash Distributions Declared |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberCashDistributionsDeclared |
741 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Cash Distributions Paid |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberCashDistributionsPaid |
742 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Date of Record |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDateOfRecord |
743 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Declaration Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDeclarationDate |
744 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Distribution Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDistributionDate |
745 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Distributions Declared, Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDistributionsDeclaredPerUnit |
746 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Distributions Paid, Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDistributionsPaidPerUnit |
747 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Unit Distribution |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberUnitDistribution |
748 |
Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Unit Distribution, Dilution Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberUnitDistributionDilutionPerUnit |
749 |
Distribution Payment Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member Forms Other than Cash or Stock, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionPaymentMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberFormsOtherThanCashOrStockDescription |
750 |
Distributions Made to Limited Partner, by Distribution [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedPartnerByDistributionTableTextBlock |
751 |
Distributions Made to Limited Partner [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToLimitedPartnerTable |
752 |
Distribution Type [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:DistributionsMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerByDistributionTypeAxis |
753 |
Distribution Type [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:DistributionTypeDomain |
754 |
Cash Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CashDistributionMember |
755 |
Stock Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:StockDistributionMember |
756 |
Unit Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:UnitDistributionMember |
757 |
Share Distribution [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:ShareDistributionMember |
758 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerLineItems |
759 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Declared |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsDeclared |
760 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Paid |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsPaid |
761 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Date of Record |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDateOfRecord |
762 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Declaration Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDeclarationDate |
763 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Distribution Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDistributionDate |
764 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Distributions Declared, Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDistributionsDeclaredPerUnit |
765 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Distributions Paid, Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDistributionsPaidPerUnit |
766 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Unit Distribution |
[Concept] |
Shares |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerUnitDistribution |
767 |
Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Unit Distribution, Dilution Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerUnitDistributionDilutionPerUnit |
768 |
Distribution Payment Made to Limited Partner, Forms Other than Cash or Stock, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DistributionPaymentMadeToLimitedPartnerFormsOtherThanCashOrStockDescription |
769 |
Incentive Distribution, Managing Member or General Partner [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerAbstract |
770 |
Incentive Distribution Policy, Managing Member or General Partner, Description [Policy Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionPolicyManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerDescription |
771 |
Schedule of Incentive Distributions Made to Managing Members or General Partners by Distribution [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncentiveDistributionsMadeToManagingMembersOrGeneralPartnersByDistributionTextBlock |
772 |
Schedule of Incentive Distribution Made to Managing Member or General Partner [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncentiveDistributionMadeToManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerTable |
773 |
Managing Member or General Partner [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionMadeToManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerAxis |
774 |
Incentive Distribution, Recipient [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionRecipientDomain |
775 |
Incentive Distribution Made to Managing Member or General Partner [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionMadeToManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerLineItems |
776 |
Incentive Distribution, Payments Made and Minimum Distribution Level |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionPaymentsMadeAndMinimumDistributionLevel |
777 |
Incentive Distribution, Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionDate |
778 |
Incentive Distribution, Distribution Per Unit |
[Concept] |
Per Share |
For period |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionDistributionPerUnit |
779 |
Incentive Distribution, Distribution |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:IncentiveDistributionDistributionPerYear |
780 |
Managing Member or General Partner, Subsequent Distribution Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:ManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerSubsequentDistributionAmount |
781 |
Managing Member or General Partner, Subsequent Distribution Date |
[Concept] |
Date |
For period |
us-gaap:ManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerSubsequentDistributionDate |
782 |
Partners' Capital, Comprehensive Income [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:PartnersCapitalComprehensiveIncomeAbstract |
783 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
784 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
785 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss), before Reclassification and Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossBeforeReclassificationAndTax |
786 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationBeforeTax |
787 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTax |
788 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
789 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments
and Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTaxAbstract |
790 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
791 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising
During Period, before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
792 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationBeforeTax |
793 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments
and Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTax |
794 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
before Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeTaxAbstract |
795 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossBeforeTax |
796 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditBeforeTax |
797 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), before Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationBeforeTax |
798 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
before Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeTax |
799 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeTax |
800 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax, [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
801 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments and Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTaxAbstract |
802 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
803 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeTax |
804 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments and Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsAndTax |
805 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesBeforeTax |
806 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesBeforeTax |
807 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeTax |
808 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
809 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
810 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
811 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
812 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
813 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax |
814 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesBeforeTax |
815 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesBeforeTax |
816 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTax |
817 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxAbstract |
818 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentTaxAbstract |
819 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax |
820 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationTax |
821 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentTax |
822 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax Effect [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesTaxEffectPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
823 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodTax |
824 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesTax |
825 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesTax |
826 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTaxAbstract |
827 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTaxAbstract |
828 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodTax |
829 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax |
830 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTax |
831 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesTax |
832 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesTax |
833 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax |
834 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
835 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
836 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
837 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
838 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansTaxAbstract |
839 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTaxAbstract |
840 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax |
841 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBenefitPlanImprovementTaxEffect |
842 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationTax |
843 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, before Reclassification Adjustments, Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsTax |
844 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTaxAbstract |
845 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossTax |
846 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditTax |
847 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationTax |
848 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTax |
849 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTax |
850 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTax |
851 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
852 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
853 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Net of
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
854 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Realized
upon Sale or Liquidation, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationNetOfTax |
855 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax |
856 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
857 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments,
Net of Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTaxAbstract |
858 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During
Period, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
859 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising
During Period, Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostsCreditArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
860 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plan Valuation, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationNetOfTax |
861 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments,
Net of Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTax |
862 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Net of Tax [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetOfTaxAbstract |
863 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Gain (Loss), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetGainLossNetOfTax |
864 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Amortization Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, for
Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetPriorServiceCostCreditNetOfTax |
865 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
for Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Net of Tax
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansForNetTransitionAssetObligationNetOfTax |
866 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans,
Net of Tax, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetOfTax |
867 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetOfTax |
868 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
869 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments, Net of Tax
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTaxAbstract |
870 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
871 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Transfers from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-Sale Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTransfersFromHeldToMaturityToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesNetOfTax |
872 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Reclassification Adjustments, Net of Tax,
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentBeforeReclassificationAdjustmentsNetOfTax |
873 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Sale of Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForSaleOfSecuritiesNetOfTax |
874 |
Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesNetOfTax |
875 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAvailableForSaleSecuritiesAdjustmentNetOfTax |
876 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest [Abstract]
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAbstract |
877 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities |
878 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities |
879 |
Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable
to Noncontrolling Interest, Total
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
880 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
881 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax |
882 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI on Derivatives, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIOnDerivativesNetOfTax |
883 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesNetOfTax |
884 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
885 |
Disclosure of Reclassification Amount [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DisclosureOfReclassificationAmountTextBlock |
886 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Taxes [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleNetOfTaxesAbstract |
887 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, before Taxes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleBeforeTaxes |
888 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Taxes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Debit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleTaxes |
889 |
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Effect of Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Taxes, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeCumulativeEffectOfChangeInAccountingPrincipleNetOfTaxes |
890 |
Equity Restrictions |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:EquityRestrictions |
891 |
Members' Equity Notes Disclosure [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:MembersEquityNotesDisclosureTextBlock |
892 |
Disclosure of Restrictions on Dividends, Loans and Advances Disclosure [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DisclosureOfRestrictionsOnDividendsLoansAndAdvancesDisclosureAbstract |
893 |
Restrictions on Dividends, Loans and Advances [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:RestrictionsOnDividendsLoansAndAdvancesTextBlock |
894 |
Restrictions on Parent Company's Ability to Pay Dividends |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:RestrictionsOnParentCompanysAbilityToPayDividends |
895 |
Regulatory Restrictions on Payment of Dividends |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:RegulatoryRestrictionsOnPaymentOfDividends |
896 |
Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPaymentsAbstract |
897 |
Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments with Regulatory Approval |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPaymentsWithRegulatoryApproval |
898 |
Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments without Regulatory Approval |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPaymentsWithoutRegulatoryApproval |
899 |
Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments, Total |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPayments |
900 |
Amount Available for Dividend Distribution without Affecting Capital Adequacy Requirements |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:AmountAvailableForDividendDistributionWithoutAffectingCapitalAdequacyRequirements |
901 |
Other Restrictions on Payment of Dividends |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherRestrictionsOnPaymentOfDividends |
902 |
Restrictions on Loans and Other Fund Transfers |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:RestrictionsOnLoansAndOtherFundTransfers |
903 |
Dividend Payment Restrictions [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDividendPaymentRestrictionsTextBlock |
904 |
Statutory Dividend Payment Restrictions Disclosure |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:StatutoryDividendPaymentRestrictionsDisclosure |
905 |
Dividend Payment Restrictions Schedule, Description |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:DividendPaymentRestrictionsScheduleDescription |
906 |
Dividend Payments Restrictions Schedule, Statutory Capital and Surplus |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:DividendPaymentsRestrictionsScheduleStatutoryCapitalAndSurplus1 |
907 |
Schedule of Capital Units [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalUnitsTextBlock |
908 |
Schedule of Capital Units [Table] |
[Table] |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalUnitsTable |
909 |
Capital Units by Class [Axis] |
[Axis] |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsByClassAxis |
910 |
Capital Unit, Class [Domain] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitClassDomain |
911 |
Capital Unit, Class A [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitClassAMember |
912 |
Capital Unit, Class B [Member] |
[Member] |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitClassBMember |
913 |
Capital Unit [Line Items] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitLineItems |
914 |
Capital Units, Value |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CapitalUnits |
915 |
Capital Units, Authorized |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsAuthorized |
916 |
Capital Units, Outstanding |
[Concept] |
Shares |
As of |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsOutstanding |
917 |
Capital Units, Cost to Investors |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsTotalCostToInvestors |
918 |
Capital Units, Adjustment for Market Changes |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsAdjustmentForMarketChanges |
919 |
Capital Units, Deduction from Cost to Investors |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Debit |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsDeductionsFromTotalCostToInvestors |
920 |
Capital Units, Deductions from Cost to Investors, Explanation |
[Concept] |
Text/String |
For period |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsDeductionsFromTotalCostToInvestorsExplanation |
921 |
Capital Units, Net Amount |
[Concept] |
Monetary |
As of |
Credit |
us-gaap:CapitalUnitsNetAmount |
922 |
Other Comprehensive Income, Noncontrolling Interest [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNoncontrollingInterestTextBlock |
923 |
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Interest Expense, Interest Income, Income Taxes, Extraordinary Items, Noncontrolling
Interests, Net
[Concept] |
Monetary |
For period |
Credit |
us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeInterestExpenseInterestIncomeIncomeTaxesExtraordinaryItemsNoncontrollingInterestsNet |
924 |
Disclosure Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:DisclosureTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
925 |
Preferred Stock [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:PreferredStockTextBlock |
926 |
Shareholders' Equity and Share-based Payments [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ShareholdersEquityAndShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock |
927 |
Treasury Stock [Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:TreasuryStockTextBlock |
928 |
Table Text Block Supplement [Abstract] |
[Abstract] |
us-gaap:TableTextBlockSupplementAbstract |
929 |
Schedule of Stockholders Equity [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockholdersEquityTableTextBlock |
930 |
Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock |
931 |
Schedule of Dividends Payable [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDividendsPayableTextBlock |
932 |
Dividends Declared [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:DividendsDeclaredTableTextBlock |
933 |
Schedule of Common Stock Outstanding Roll Forward [Table Text Block] |
[Concept] |
Text Block (HTML) |
For period |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCommonStockOutstandingRollForwardTableTextBlock |