WELLPOINT, INC | 2013 | FY | 3

Advertising and Marketing Costs: We use print, broadcast and other advertising to promote our products and to develop our corporate image. We market our products through direct marketing activities and an extensive network of independent agents, brokers and retail partnerships for individual and Medicare customers, and for certain Local Group customers with a smaller employee base. Products for National Accounts and Local Group customers with a larger employee base are generally sold through independent brokers or consultants retained by the customer and working with industry specialists from our in-house sales force. In the individual and small group markets we offer on-exchange products through state or federally facilitated marketplaces and off-exchange products. Federal premium subsidies are available only for certain on-exchange products. The cost of advertising and marketing for product promotion is expensed as incurred while advertising and marketing costs associated with corporate image is expensed when first aired. Total advertising and marketing expense was $350.9, $285.4 and $287.8 for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively.