Future Minimum Payments Under Operating Leases

Entity Registrant Name Honeywell International Inc
CIK 0000773840
Accession number 0000930413-14-000634
Link to XBRL instance http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/773840/000093041314000634/hon-20131231.xml
Fiscal year end --12-31
Fiscal year focus 2013
Fiscal period focus FY
Current balance sheet date 2013-12-31
Current year-to-date income statement start date 2013-01-01

Commentary Everything is as was anticipated. Level 3 text block located, Level 4 detail discovered, total of detail foots.

Level 3 (Disclosure) Text Block concept us-gaap:OperatingLeasesOfLesseeDisclosureTextBlock

Note 15. Lease Commitments

Future minimum lease payments under operating leases having initial or remaining noncancellable lease terms in excess of one year are as follows:


    At December 31, 
 2015 252 
 2016 188 
 2017 135 
 2018 92 
 Thereafter  264 

We have entered into agreements to lease land, equipment and buildings. Principally all our operating leases have initial terms of up to 25 years, and some contain renewal options subject to customary conditions. At any time during the terms of some of our leases, we may at our option purchase the leased assets for amounts that approximate fair value. We do not expect that any of our commitments under the lease agreements will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated results of operations, financial position or liquidity.

       Rent expense was $404, $390 and $386 million in 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively.


Level 4 Details Key Concepts: Future minimum payments

Description Fact value US GAAP XBRL Concept
Year 1 (Current portion) 313,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueCurrent
Year 2 252,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInTwoYears
Year 3 188,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInThreeYears
Year 4 135,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFourYears
Year 5 92,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFiveYears
Thereafter 264,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueThereafter
Total Long-term Debt 1,244,000,000 us-gaap:OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDue



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